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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) aspect (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: aspect

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines200 - : [2]vol.39 número62 [3]La formulación de preguntas para la comprensión de textos: Estudio experimental [4]Erteschik-Shir, Nomi & Rapoport, Tova (Eds.) (2005). The syntax of aspect: Deriving thematic and aspectual interpretation [5] índice de autores [6]índice de materia [7]búsqueda de artículos [8]Home Page [9]lista alfabética de revistas

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines201 - : El volumen completo está dedicado a Ken Hale, cuya muerte en octubre de 2001 conmovió a un conjunto amplio de estudiosos alrededor del mundo. El texto se divide en tres partes. La primera, denominada From lexical roots to syntax contiene tres artículos. El primero de ellos es un artículo clásico de los profesores del MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology), Ken Hale y Samuel Jay Keyser, quienes expandieron las bases de la gramática generativa a una teoría donde el papel del léxico y la estructura argumental cobran mayor relevancia. El capítulo, denominado Aspect and the syntax of argument structure es una síntesis del único libro publicado por ambos autores en el 2002, Prolegomenon to a theory of lexical argument structure (Hale & Keyser, 2002 ). El capítulo sienta las bases de la teoría de la estructura argumental e incluye las definiciones e implicaciones de los conceptos clave desarrollados en el marco de esta teoría, tales como la incorporación (merge), la selección argumental

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines201 - : El siguiente artículo, escrito por Edit Doron lleva por título The aspect of agency. En el trabajo, se distingue dos tipos de nociones relativas al aspecto: una temporal, asociada al cambio y a la culminación del evento y otra temática, relacionada con los conceptos de acción y causalidad . Luego de esta distinción, la autora sostiene con evidencia morfológica cómo las lenguas semíticas codifican un tipo de aspecto más temático que temporal. En el artículo, se propone de forma acertada diferentes niveles de agentividad asociados a estos dos tipos de aspecto.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines217 - : Tense and aspect:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines278 - : The aim of this paper is to analyze one of the court sentences that has had a great impact on Spanish History: the sentence on the case of the terrorist attacks of March 11, 2004, in Madrid. The linguistic interest of this sentence is that its author was especially aware that the text would be widely disseminated not only in the legal field but also in the mass media. Our hypothesis is that due to this exceptional context, the M11 court sentence is an example of a real attempt to write a legal text comprehensible to a non-expert audience. Our study of this court sentence focuses on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a linguistic aspect that clearly shows the effort made by the judge pronouncing the sentence to ensure clarity: the use of anaphoric demonstrative expressions ('this', 'this phenomenon' ...). The analysis of this mechanism of reference in the M11 court sentence is contrasted with the same mechanism in six other sentences passed by the same court, the Audiencia Nacional

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : system" (Painter, 2001: 176). In other words, the notions of register and genre can be used to make students aware of the sociocultural features of the text-type that is being taught and of which linguistic choices are more likely to be made in its textualization, as well as to help teachers "to identify and focus on whatever aspect of language in use the learner needs most help with" (Painter, 2001: 178 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : textualization, as well as to help teachers "to identify and focus on whatever aspect of language in use the learner needs most help with" (Painter, 2001:178 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : “I take (any) aspect to be the source of the topic situation, which, for independent reasons, turns out to be a suitable antecedent for estar´s specificity presupposition” (Maienborn, 2005:13 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : In (34a) the verb eat cannot be perfective because the use of ´when(ever)´ forces the clause to be interpreted as distributed over time. Notice that the type of predicate (SL) is entirely irrelevant in the presence of the adverbial. What is crucial in this case is that the same sentence is acceptable if the aspect is imperfective. By arguing that the adverb when(ever) is sensitive to the aspect of the clause it interacts with, Schmitt´s (1996) analysis can easily account for sentence (35) that is problematic for Kratzer´s (1995) syntactic account:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : Very generally, Arche (2007) argues that the difference between the lexical exponents of the IL and SL predicates, ser and estar, cannot be explained by adducing temporal, outer aspect and or inner aspect distinctions. Hence, her proposal departs radically from previous accounts of ser and estar that base their explanation on aspectual differences between the copulas. For her, Inner Aspect (Verkuyl, 1989), also known as ´Aktionsart´ or ´Situation Aspect´ (Smith, 1997) refers to the internal properties of events in sentences such as duration, culmination and delimitation. Arche (2007) proposes that eventualities are not lexically specified as states or achievements but rather receive their aspectual interpretation from their syntactic structure. The aspectual properties of eventualities derive from whether AspQMax (quantity) is projected into the syntax: the presence of this functional node makes an event be interpreted as telic while the absence of it results in an atelic interpretation .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines451 - : Correct pronunciation is a very important aspect of second language (L2) acquisition, indispensable not only for speech generation but also for adequate listening comprehension because the articulatory and auditory systems are interrelated: a learner is hardly able to recognize a sound s/he has never produced since it is absent in the first language or L1 (^[25]Levis, 2005 ). However, less accented speech generation and perfect listening comprehension are included in the requirements for some jobs, for instance, operators in call centers, so it is not a rare case that a learner may need more effective training in pronunciation (^[26]Hunter & Hachimi, 2012; ^[27]Lockwood, 2012).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines453 - : Many more such realizations are listed in ^[110]Del Campo (2013). What is important to note is that they are regularly associated with the specific combination of stipulations pointed out, while highlighting one or another aspect of it: the speaker’s willingness to take the hearer’s wishes into account in (11a ), the speaker’s desire to be allowed to assist the hearer in (11b). This highlighting process may have the effect of bringing other stipulations into the interpretive picture. For example, (11a) is focused on the speaker’s realization that there is something that the hearer may need and his subsequent enquiry as to whether the need actually holds. If it does, then the speaker is willing to act in compliance with stipulation (ii).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines551 - : The aim of this article is to account for the analysis of the reality represented in the construction of discourse, from a case of a qualitative etnographic study which blends into a double aspect: the disappearance of a minor which ended in tragedy and the supposed guilt of an immigrant belonging to the black race in a murder which had a wide spread media impact . Thus, in this discourse analysis and categorization analysis of the actants, we will try to clarify the different features, components and treatment in the official sites of Twitter and Facebook of four Spanish mass media: @telecincoes, @laSextaNoticias, @NoticiasCuatro and @A3Noticias. The results bring to light how discourse in social networks has a much wider projection if it is based on aporophobia, revealing itself as a ‘parallel trial’ normalized before certain social events, approach which is boosted by mass media itself.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines552 - : “nonverbal behaviour is a fundamental aspect of L2 teaching and appears to be a means by which comprehensible input can be provided to L2 learners” (^[73]Lazaraton, 2004: 109 ).

Evaluando al candidato aspect:

1) sentence: 8 (*)
5) syntax: 4 (*)
7) learner: 4 (*)
10) speaker: 4 (*)
11) teoría: 3
12) lexical: 3 (*)
14) artículo: 3
16) sentences: 3 (*)
17) hale: 3
19) painter: 3
20) hearer: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 146
Docs: 56
Nombre propio: 1 / 146 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 7
Puntaje: 7.780 = (7 + (1+5.39231742277876) / (1+7.19967234483636)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Arche, M. (2006). Individuals in time; tense, aspect and the individual/stage distinction. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Athanasopoulos, P. & Bylund, E. (2013). Does grammatical aspect affect motion event cognition? A cross-linguistic comparison of English and Swedish speakers. Cognitive Science, 37, 286-309.
: Bardovi-Harlig, K. & Comajoan, Ll. (2020). The aspect hypothesis and the acquisition of L2 past morphology in the last 20 years: A state-of-the-scholarship review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-31. DOI:10.1017/S0272263120000194
: Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1999). Narrative structure and lexical aspect: Conspiring factors in second-language acquisition of tense-aspect morphology. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20, 471-508.
: Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and use. Oxford: Blackwell.
: Binnick, R. (1991). Time and the verb. A guide to tense and aspect. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
: Bylund, E., Athanasopoulos, P. & Oostendorp, M. (2013). Motion event cognition and grammatical aspect: Evidence from Afrikaans. Linguistics, 51, 929-955.
: Cameron, D. (1996). Style policy and style politics: A neglected aspect of the language of the news.Media, Culture & Society,18(2), 315-333.
: Carreiras, M., Carriedo, N., Alonso, M.A., & Fernandez, A. (1997). The role of verbal tense and verbal aspect in the foregrounding of information in reading. Memory & Cognition, 23, 438-446.
: Collins, L. (2002). The roles of L1 influence and lexical aspect in the acquisition of temporal morphology. Language Learning, 52(1), 43-84.
: Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. An introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect: An introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Dahl, O. (1985). Tense and aspect systems. Oxford: Blackwell.
: De Miguel. E. (2015). Lexical agreement processes: On the construction of verbal aspect. En J. L. Cifuentes Honrubia, E. Barrajón & S. Rodríguez Rosique (Eds.), Verbal classes and aspect (pp. 131-152). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins.
: De Swart, H. (2000). Tense, aspect and coercion in a cross-linguistic perspective. EnProceedings of the Berkeley Formal Grammar conference. University of California, Berkeley, USA.
: Erteschik-Shir, Nomi & Rapoport, Tova (Eds.) (2005). The syntax of aspect: Deriving thematic and aspectual interpretation. 309 pp. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0-19-928043-6.
: Francis, G. (1994). Labelling discourse: An aspect of nominal-group lexical cohesion. En M. Coulthard (Ed.), Advances in written text analysis (pp. 179-190). Londres: Routledge.
: Guitart, J. (1978). Aspects of Spanish aspect: A new look at the Preterit/Imperfect distinction. En M. Suñer (Ed.), Contemporary studies in romance linguistics. Baltimore: Georgetown University Press.
: Hopper, J. (1979). Aspect and foregrounding in discourse. En T. Givón (Ed.), Syntax and Semantics 12: Discourse and Syntax (pp. 213-241). Nueva York: Academic Press.
: Housen, A. (1994). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: The Dutch interlanguage of a native speaker of English. En C. Vet & C. Vetters (Eds.), Tense and Aspect in Discourse (pp. 257-292). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
: Labeau, E. & Saddour, I. (Eds.) (2012). Tense, aspect and mood in first and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
: Labeau, E. (2005). Beyond the aspect hypothesis. Tense-aspect development in advanced L2 French. EUROSLA Yearbook, 5, 77-101.
: Li, P. & Bowerman, M. (1998). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect in Chinese. First Language, 18(54), 311-350 [en línea]. Disponible en: [110]https://doi.org/10.1177/014272379801805404
: Li, P. & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter .
: López Ortega, N. (2000). Tense, aspect, and narrative structure in Spanish as a second language. Hispania, 83(3), 488-502.
: Magliano, J.P. & Shleich, M. (2000). Verb aspect and situation models. Discourse Processes, 29, 83-112.
: Maienborn (2005) is also against accounting for the difference between ser and estar in terms of aspect. She observes that there is an aspectual component to her treatment of ser and estar but clarifies that
: Roby, D. (2007). Aspect and the categorization of states: The case of ser and estar in Spanish. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas of Austin. USA.
: Salaberry, R. M. & Comajoan, Ll. (Eds.) (2013). Research desgin and methodology in studies on L2 tense and aspect. Boston/Berlín: De Gruyter Mouton.
: Salaberry, R. M. (2011). Assessing the effect of Lexical Aspect and Grounding on the Acquisition of L2 Spanish Paste Tense Morphology. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 4(2), 184-202.
: Salaberry, R. M. (2018). Advanced Conceptualizations of Tense and Aspect in L2 Acquisition. En P. A. Malovrh & A. G.Benati (Eds.), The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition (pp. 361-380). Oxford: John Wiley.
: Schell, K. (2000). Functional categories and the acquisition of aspect in L2 Spanish: A longitudinal study. Tesis doctoral, University of Washignton, Seattle, USA.
: Schmitt, C. (1992). Ser and estar: A matter of aspect. In K. Broderick (Ed.), NELS 22 Proceedings of the Northeastern Linguistic Society (pp. 411-426). Amherst, MA: GLSA.
: Schmitt, C. (1992). Ser and estar: A matter of aspect. NELS 22 Proceedings, GLSA, 411-426.
: Schmitt, C. (1996). Aspect and the syntax of noun phrases. PhD Dissertation. University of Maryland, USA.
: Schmitt, C. (2005). Semi-copulas: Event and aspectual composition. In P. Kempchinsky & R. Slabakova (Eds.), Syntax, semantics and the acquisition of aspect (pp. 121-145). Springer: Kluwer.
: Smith, C. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
: Swart, H. (1998). Aspect shift and coercion. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 16, 347-385.
: Zucchi, S. (1999). Incomplete events, intensionality and imperfective aspect. Natural Language Semantics, 7, 179-215.
: de Swart, H. (1998). Aspect shift and coercion. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 16, 347-385.