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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) combination (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: combination

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines177 - : The LSA algorithm applied follows the pseudo-document methodology described by (Berry, 1992). We have defined the LSA score as the mean of the pseudo-document similarities between the student's answer and each vector representing a reference. Because of the results obtained in previous experiments (Pérez et al., 2005), we have chosen for training the Ziff-Davis part of the North American Collection with 142.580 articles from different journals and magazines in Computer Science. The LSA score is combined with the ERB one using the following linear combination:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : When authors make use of endorse, they align themselves with some other voice which is construed as "correct, authoritative or otherwise argumentatively compelling" (White, 2003b: 3). In the texts under study, only one instance was found. In this case, the writer selected to use a combination of resources -both of a contractive type- to challenge other voices by means of a denial which is then endorsed, as may be seen below:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : When authors make use of endorse, they align themselves with some other voice which is construed as "correct, authoritative or otherwise argumentatively compelling" (White, 2003b: 3). In the texts under study, only one instance was found. In this case, the writer selected to use a combination of resources -both of a contractive type- to challenge other voices by means of a denial which is then endorsed, as may be seen below:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines382 - : Both parts of the speech contribute to the consolidation of the Tribune-Jester brand, in distinct ways. This original combination of The Tribune and The Jester could be explained by Goffman’s (1972: 93 ) observation that "joking is a way in which the individual makes a plea for disqualifying some of the expressive features of the situation as sources of definition of himself". In other words, CVT uses in his speeches ‘joking’ about DUHR, having as a butt the Hungarians’ political union, as both a superiority stereotype and dissociation from the stereotype (Davies, 1990). The senator affects a style different from the one appropriate to the situation, conveying the implication that he disagrees with what he is actually saying. There is a discrepancy between what the senator is saying and what he is actually doing with words. CVT uses humour as a disclaimer for a disguised attack. Van Dijk (2002: 156) observes that "positions on ethnic policies taken and defended in parliament are not

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines396 - : ‘Window’, registering a co-occurrence of 54.5% with the key words, was used with a metaphorically originated terminological sense (Philip, 2010) for a software system element. Thus, its relevance for the building metaphorical theme is questionable. ‘Build’, the most frequent vehicle co-occurring with the corpus key words, registered a notably low percentage for this type of word combination: 30 .6%. ‘Build’ is a polysemous lexeme, used in highly conventionalized metaphorical expressions in a variety of contexts (see ‘build knowledge’ in example 5). The polysemous metaphoric uses of ‘build’ could explain why this is the most frequent building vehicle in project management discourse, despite its infrequent co-occurrence with the corpus key words (example 6).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines415 - : “To sum up, the statistical grammar checker will fail to capture errors if the errors are not word combination problems or they involve problems of non-adjacent word strings or conflicts across different clause boundaries” (Chen, 2009: 175 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines426 - : In this respect, in spite of their distinct names in different disciplines, and considering the further definitions by Werth and Zarefsky, one can draw a parallel line between rhetorical space in Rhetorical Studies and discourse in Linguistics, the latter one defined as “a combination of text and its relevant context” (Werth, 1999: 47), where the context refers to “the situational context surrounding the speech event itself” (Werth, 1999: 83 ), and the text to both oral and written discourse. In the first case, it takes the form of transcription of speeches, which are normally used for this type of studies.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines453 - : offers. There are several conventional ways in which this combination of stipulations (iv) and (v) can be exploited linguistically:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines453 - : Many more such realizations are listed in ^[110]Del Campo (2013). What is important to note is that they are regularly associated with the specific combination of stipulations pointed out, while highlighting one or another aspect of it: the speaker’s willingness to take the hearer’s wishes into account in (11a ), the speaker’s desire to be allowed to assist the hearer in (11b). This highlighting process may have the effect of bringing other stipulations into the interpretive picture. For example, (11a) is focused on the speaker’s realization that there is something that the hearer may need and his subsequent enquiry as to whether the need actually holds. If it does, then the speaker is willing to act in compliance with stipulation (ii).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines481 - : In an EFL context, an OP refers to a form of public speaking where students, individually or in groups, present a prepared talk on a certain topic in English to the class with the help of visual aids (^[68]Chen, 2009; ^[69]Sundrarajun & Kiely, 2010). It occurs in a specific physical, social, and cultural context, with a certain theme and purpose of communication. The message is delivered from the speaker to the audience through linguistic, paralinguistic (intonation, volume, etc.), and extra-linguistic (gestures and facial expressions, etc.) elements. The intended meaning and its interpretation rely on the interaction between the production context and participants. It demands a combination of qualities: good knowledge of the topic of presentation, audience-friendly organization of content, high levels of language proficiency, adequate online language-processing skills, ability to talk extemporaneously, effective delivery skills, appropriate display of paralinguistic elements (for example,

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines528 - : The ‘Spanish for Leadership in the Professions’ course is the result of three interconnected lines of thought: the results of the needs analysis process described earlier, the careful reflection on almost two decades of teaching a previous mixed-learner advanced service learning language course, and the author’s increasing interest in linguistic landscape as a field of study. All these factors led the author to the realization that her own students (both L2Ls and HLLs), if working in a team-based learning environment in collaboration with well-stablished community partners, could ‘ecologically’ become agents of positive change of their own community’s public spaces. In this article we have also argued that the combination of SSP with service learning is the ‘perfect match’ for HHLs by providing four reasons behind this claim: empowerment, leadership, knowledge of the general language, and intercultural communication capacity . The ‘Spanish for Leadership in the Professions’ capstone from t

Evaluando al candidato combination:

1) context: 6
2) speaker: 5 (*)
5) build: 4
6) stipulations: 3
10) hearer: 3 (*)
13) learning: 3
14) werth: 3
16) leadership: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 86
Docs: 46
Nombre propio: / 86 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 160
Puntaje: 2.800 = (2 + (1+4.95419631038688) / (1+6.44294349584873)));
Rechazado: muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: De Cock, S. (1998). A recurrent word combination approach to the study of formulae in the speech of native and non–native speakers of English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 3(1), 59– 80.
: Kalénine, S., Mirman, D. & Buxbaum, L. J. (2012). A combination of thematic and similarity-based semantic processes confers resistance to deficit following left hemisphere stroke. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6(106), 1-12.
: Tyler L. & Marslen-Wilson, W. (1997). Disorders of combination: Processing of complex words. Brain and Language, 60, 40-48.