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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) combining (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: combining

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines203 - : The most relevant issue has been that Linguistics has gone beyond the sentence bound-ary. We now know a lot more about the ways in which sentences can be connected into text or discourse than in the year when the first issue of Revista Signos was published. It has to be said that in the beginning we were too optimistic about ‘text grammars’ (a misleading metaphor). There is much more freedom in combining sentences than in link-ing constituents: coherence is not only semantically based, but also pragmatically . The most important issue nowadays is how to combine referential cohesion, like phoricity and ‘nymic’ relations, and relational coherence, like elaboration, causation and ‘presenta-tional’ relations. A major step forward can be made if we succeed in articulating a theory that leads to a classification model with descriptive adequacy, that explains why readers interpret discourse relations as they do, and that predicts at any point in a discourse the most plausible discourse

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : i) Combining with locative modifiers:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : ii) Combining with manner adverbials: Maienborn (2005) observes that regular eventuality expressions combine with manner modifiers:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : iii) Combining with Infinitival complements of perception verbs: Perception verbs take eventuality expressions as infinitival complements in (29) but neither ser nor estar display this behavior in (30):

Evaluando al candidato combining:

2) discourse: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 39
Docs: 23
Nombre propio: 3 / 39 = 7%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.475 = (1 + (1+2) / (1+5.32192809488736)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Giles, D., Honnet, E. P. & Migliore, S. (1991). Research Agenda for Combining Service and Learning in the 1990s. Arlington, VA: National Society for Experiential Education.
: Harrison, M. E. & Whalley, W. B. (2006). Combining student independent learning and peer advice to improve the quality of undergraduate dissertations. Planet, 16, 15-18.
: Hulme, C., Bowyer-Crane, C., Carroll, J. M., Duff, F. J. & Snowling, M. J. (2012). The causal role of phoneme awareness and letter-sound knowledge in learning to read: Combining intervention studies with mediation analyses. Psychological Science, 23(6), 572-577.
: Melville, P., Gryc, W. & Lawrence, R. (2009). Sentiment analysis of blogs by combining lexical knowledge with text classification. Ponencia presentada en el 15th Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ACM, Nueva York, USA.
: Pérez, D., Alfonseca, E., Rodriguez, P., Gliozzo, A., Strapparava, C, &Magnini, B. (2005). About the effects of combining Latent Semantic Analysis with natural language processing techniques for free-text assessment. Revista Signos, 38(59), 325-343.
: Salter, J. & Antonopoulos, N. (2006). Cinema screen recommender agent: Combining collaborative and content-based filtering. IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications, 21(1), 35-41.
: Sandrelli, A. (2001). Teaching liaison interpreting: Combining tradition and innovation. In I. Mason (Ed.), Triadic Exchanges: Studies in Dialogue Interpreting (pp. 173-196). New York, NY: Routledge .