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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) conjunctions (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: conjunctions

Is in goldstandard

paper CH_corpusSignostxt416 - : To extend the coverage of our grammar, we use a rule for coordinating conjunctions:

paper CH_corpusSignostxt416 - : Resolution of the coordinating conjunctions results in extraction of three tuples:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt239 - : It is difficult to see how a subset of conjunctions, adverbials, and prepositional phrases could be cobbled together to form a syntactic category, particularly since their individual syntactic patterning follows their obvious syntactic lineage: conjunctions patterns like conjunctions, and so forth . (^[34]Fraser, 1999, p. 994)

paper CO_Lenguajetxt193 - : Nonetheless, there is a problem related to conjunction that is truly difficult to solve when it is considered that natural language follows the logical properties of this connective. That problem is linked to the conjunction thesis (see, e.g., ^[35]Rodríguez-Pereyra, 2006, ^[36]2009). It is present, for instance, when it is taken into account that compound nouns can be, from a logical perspective, essentially conjunctions: when it is assumed that compound nouns can refer to underlying sentences linking their nouns .

paper CO_Lenguajetxt193 - : This paper intends to present this specific problem in detail and to offer a possible solution. The solution proposes the idea of rejecting the prominence of logic in language and evolving instead towards more semantic (in the sense of the word in linguistics) positions. Thereby, the first section will delve deeper into what the logical conjunction really is, and outline its properties. The second section will give some examples of compound nouns whose underlying conjunctions of sentences seem not to follow one of the most important characteristics of conjunction: the aforementioned conjunction thesis (this point will also be illustrated using expressions found in languages other than English - in particular, Spanish and Portuguese - which will make it evident that the difficulties are not specific to English ). Then, a contemporary basically semantic cognitive and linguistic framework will be described. The framework will be that of the mental model theory (e.g., ^[37]Khemlani et al.,

Evaluando al candidato conjunctions:

1) syntactic: 3 (*)
2) compound: 3
3) nouns: 3 (*)
5) logical: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 58
Docs: 31
Nombre propio: / 58 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.683 = (2 + (1+3.70043971814109) / (1+5.88264304936184)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 5. Write comparison and contrast sentences based off your diagram in the space below. Refer to the comparison and contrast conjunctions on p.99 (Reading & Writing Chapter 5).
: Etxepare, R. (2008). On quotative constructions in Iberian Spanish. En R. Laury (Ed.) Crosslinguistic studies of clause combining: The multifunctionality of conjunctions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
: ExtrHech processes coordinating conjunctions for verb relations and noun phrase arguments with a rule implemented according to the expression (3). For example:
: Geva, Esther. (1992). The role of conjunctions in L2 text comprehension. TESOL Quarterly, 26 (4), 731-747.
: Hamed, M. (2014). Conjunctions in argumentative writing of Libyan tertiary students. English Language Teaching, 7(3), 108-120.
: In some other cases, authors engage in a less direct dialogistic positioning through modality or counterexpectancies -through conjunctions, either concessives or continuatives (Martin & Rose, 2003), for example:
: LeXico-Grammar, Conjunctions, Complementation
: Ostler, N. (1993). Cases, directionals and conjunctions in Chibcha. Estudios de lingüística chibcha, 12, pp. 7-33.