Termout.org logo/LING

Update: February 24, 2023 The new version of Termout.org is now online, so this web site is now obsolete and will soon be dismantled.

Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) coordinate (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: coordinate

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines416 - : Figure 2. Distribution of types of errors by issues for each dataset. R stands for the RawWeb dataset, F for FactSpaCIC. The issues are indicated with numbers: 1: underspecified noun phrase, 2: overspecified verb phrase, 3: non-contiguous verb phrase, 4: N-ary relation, 5: conditional clause, 6: relative clause, 7: coordinate structure, 8: inverse word order, 9: incorrect POS-tagging, 10: grammatical errors, 11: others .

Evaluando al candidato coordinate:

1) phrase: 3 (*)

Frec: 14
Docs: 9
Nombre propio: / 14 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.611 = (1 + (1+2) / (1+3.90689059560852)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Esteve-Gibert, N. & Prieto P. (2014). Infants temporally coordinate gesture-speech combinations before they produce their first words. Speech Communication, 57, 301-316.