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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) evidential (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: evidential

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines267 - : This article identifies the presence of grammatical strategies to express the evidential meaning in a corpus of five oral argumentative discussions in Viña del Mar high school students. Bermúdez's (2002, 2005a, 2005b) model for the search of phenomena as well as for their interpretation was used. The analysis shows that the students do use evidentials in their interactions, but only in a few cases. The most common strategy is the use of the pronoun uno and its paradigmatic relation with yo and generic nominal phrases. This strategy conveys evidential meaning related to two axes: 'source of information' and 'access to information' . The analysis also reveals that the number of evidentials used by the students seems to be directly related to the knowledge of the issue and inversely related to a low degree of organization of the discussion.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines378 - : “while an evidential supplement can always be seen in an epistemic marker, the opposite does not always hold: not all evidential markers are modal in that they do not all necessarily imply an epistemic judgment” .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines591 - : Tenses and evidential points of view: Quotative uses of the future, the conditional and the imperfect

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines599 - : One of the most interesting of Peacock’s findings was the identification of booster clusters, the use of which resulted in a notable increase in the persuasive force of boosting. Regarding the cross-disciplinary variation in the frequency of booster use, writers in the two sciences (Physics and Materials Science, as well as Environmental Science) used a much higher proportion of boosters of the “evidential or implicit truth” type (^[92]Peacock, 2006: 73 ), such as ‘show’, ‘demonstrate’, ‘find’ or ‘establish’ than authors in other disciplines. Peacock suggests that writers in sciences seek to minimise their personal involvement in their findings and appear more objective, which is in accordance with ^[93]Hyland’s (1998a) line of argumentation. In addition, however, they present their claims as evidential, that is, fully based on convincing data rather than being attributable to the writer’s persuasive skills. The author argues that the choice of the verbs mentioned may reflect a disti

Evaluando al candidato evidential:

1) peacock: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 32
Docs: 12
Nombre propio: / 32 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.496 = ( + (1+2) / (1+5.04439411935845)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Albelda, M. (2020). On the mitigating function of the Spanish evidential se ve que. Corpus Pragmatics, 4(1), 83-106.
: Alonso-Almeida, F. (2012). Sentential evidential adverbs and authorial stance in a corpus of English computing articles. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 7, 9-21.
: Böhm, V. & Hennemann, A. (2014). The evidential use of the Spanish imperfect and the conditional in journalistic contexts. Studia Neophilologica, 86, 1-18.
: Clift, R. (2006). Indexing stance: Reported speech as an interactional evidential. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 10(5), 569-95.
: Cornillie, B. & Gras, P. (2015). On the interactional dimension of evidentials: The case of the Spanish evidential discourse markers. Discourse Studies, X, 1-21.
: Gisborne, N. & Holmes, J. (2007). A history of English evidential verbs of appearance. English Language and Linguistics, 11(1), 1-29. [85]https://doi.org/10.1017/S1360674306002097
: Hennemann, A. (2012). The epistemic and evidential use of spanish modal adverbs and verbs of cognitive attitude. Folia Linguistica, 46(1), 133-170.
: Nuyts, J. (2001). Subjectivity as an evidential dimension in epistemic modal expressions. Journal of Pragmatics, 33(3), 383-400.
: Pietrandrea, P. & Stathi, K. (2010). What counts as an evidential unit? The case of evidential complex constructions in Italian and modern Greek. STUF -Language Typolog y and Universals, 63(4), 345-357.
: Whitt, R. (2011). (Inter)Subjectivity and evidential perception verbs in English and German. Journal of Pragmatics, 43, 347-360.