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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) figure (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: figure

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines195 - : immediate in both positions (McCroskey et al., 1995). With these items removed, the revised instrument (RNIM) contains ten items whose reliability has been demonstrated in previous studies as falling between .69 and .89 for the summed scale. The measure is found in Figure 1:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : Figure 2 illustrates three types of relationships: (i ) relationships among semantic categories, governed by the node ‘Ev0’; (ii) relationships among form categories, governed by the node ‘Cl’; and (iii) relationships among both types of categories, represented by connections between terminal semantic and form categories. Moreover, the network features a number of theoretical assumptions and descriptive limitations, as follows.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : The previous diagram shows the connections between some linguistic subsystems (e.g., Phonological Production, Phonological Recognition, Lexis), other cognitive subsystems (e.g., Auditory Perception and several visual systems), and even the sensory organs functioning as interfaces with the extra-mental world (e.g., ears and eyes). While an extended discussion of Figure 3 is beyond the scope of this paper, it is relevant to highlight two of its assumptions: (i ) the semantic system (Object Categories, Abstract Categories) is bidirectionally connected to the lexical and grammatical components, and (ii) the lexical system (Lexis) is bidirectionally connected to the components of the grammatical system.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : Such simplifications notwithstanding, the network in Figure 8 elegantly accounts for several key aspects of the systems morphotactics. The downward ordered ‘and’ node at the top of the figure indicates that (for the indicative and subjunctive moods) morphological representations are always activated in this sequence: (i ) clitics, (ii) verb stems, (iii) characteristics; and (iv) verb endings. In processing the sentence se lo presto (thick lines), the first downward ordered ‘and’ stemming from the connection for clitics shows that the form se is activated first and that the form lo is activated afterwards –the downward ‘or’ nodes represent other possible but presently inactive morphotactic patterns. Then, the connection for verb stems leads to a downward unordered ‘or’ node which can then activate any verb stem –the network includes only the stem prest- so as not to clutter the network with too many lines. The connection for characteristics leads to another downward unordered ‘or’ which

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : Now, the networks in Figures 7 and 8 do not operate separately; rather, activation flows travel through them at the same time in the processing of a given sentence. In this sense, Figure 9 illustrates the integration of both networks –only the semantic connections of the clitic se are included, lest the network proves unintelligible due to the inclusion of too many lines .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines453 - : Figure 4 The interface of the L2-Constructicon: The case of Do I Look Like X ?

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines510 - : (2) There was one prisoner who we couldn't even figure out why the poor guy was even in jail [ejemplo tomado de ^[47]Kroch, 1981:129] .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines510 - : No debe, sin embargo, soslayarse el hecho de que la sintaxis parece imponer también ciertos requisitos que, de hecho, tienen relevancia distribucional en el sustantivo. En rigor, la imposibilidad de que un constituyente nominal reasuntivo figure sin determinante da cuenta de la agramaticalidad de ejemplos como *”Soy una persona que intereses son muchos” o *”Tienes un ordenador que cargadores no funcionan”, en la medida en que la reasunción se ratifica por medio del determinante . En investigaciones posteriores, el sistema de representaciones subléxicas de sustantivos en función reasuntiva habrá de relacionarse con la estructura articulada del sintagma determinante en español. Dado que es también en la sintaxis donde se establecen las relaciones de ligamiento-A', resta aún por determinar cuál es la coda de la cadena: los elementos pronominales, por ejemplo, una vez ligados, abandonan su significado variable para adoptar un valor constante, si bien no es este el caso de los nominales. Aunque

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines534 - : Figure 1 PCA Variables: Dimensions 1 and 2 and dimensions 1 and 3 .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines599 - : As can be seen in [108]Table 4, the highest frequency (4.363) was registered in the Linguistics corpus, while the lowest (3.083) in Medicine. Engineering registered the medium normalised frequency of 3.428 occurrences per 1,000 words. In comparison to the frequency data in the previous studies, the average frequency obtained here for Linguistics is similar to the figure reported by ^[109]Hyland (1998): 4 .6 per 1,000 words, but considerably lower than that given in ^[110]Peacock (2006): 10.58 occurrences per 1,000 words. As has already been pointed out, many of the corpus analysis results depend on the corpus design and the method of analysis. This study has used the smallest number of boosters (57), compared to ^[111]Hyland (1998a) with 61 and ^[112]Peacock (2006) with 116 items, and this is clearly reflected in the range of the frequencies obtained, especially for Linguistics (10.98 in ^[113]Peacock, 2006). The differences regarding Engineering (3.428) are not so notable, as the frequency

Evaluando al candidato figure:

1) categories: 5
2) downward: 5
4) node: 4
5) semantic: 4 (*)
7) verb: 4 (*)
8) relationships: 4
12) connection: 3 (*)
13) activated: 3
14) corpus: 3 (*)
16) connections: 3
17) linguistics: 3 (*)
18) peacock: 3
19) items: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 228
Docs: 55
Nombre propio: 6 / 228 = 2%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 177
Puntaje: 5.745 = (5 + (1+5.58496250072116) / (1+7.83920378809694)));
Rechazado: muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Figure 1 Adapted analytical framework (^[93]Dӧrnyei & Scott, 1997; ^[94]Dӧrnyei & Kӧrmos, 1998).
: Figure 1 The prescriptive-catalytic gradient (^[60]Heron, 2001: 46).
: Figure 2. Frequency of el tablet vs. frequency of la tablet on Twitter, 16 May-15 June 2015 (Topsy).
: Figure 3 Inter-relation between intrapersonal to interpersonal levels of interaction (^[66]Heron, 2001: 65).
: Figure 3 Scattered plot 2018 Grades vs. Post-SK values.
: Figure 3. Frequency of un tablet vs. frequency of una tablet on Twitter, 16 May-15 June 2015 (Topsy).
: Figure 4 Scattered plot 2018 Grades vs. Post-SK values after categorising the data into Small or Large Post-KS values.
: Figure 5 Inter-relationships among perception, practice, and progress (^[118]Yu, 2004: 4).
: Figure 5. Frequency of el selfie vs. frequency of la selfie on Twitter, 16 May-15 June 2015 (Topsy).
: In SFL, a clause is considered a figure representing a quantum of change, an abstraction of human experience into meaning (Halliday & Matthiessen, 1999). Its main constituents are: