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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) integration (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: integration

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines311 - : discussing and how. In contrast, horizontal knowledge structures such as history may have a hierarchical knower structure: "a systematically principled and hierarchical organisation of knowers based on the construction of an ideal knower and which develops through the integration of new knowers at lower levels and across an expanding range of different dispositions" (Maton, 2010: 162 ). In short, what matters more is who you are. Fields are thus knowledge-knower structures which classify, assign, arrange and hierarchise not only what but also who is considered legitimate (Maton, to appear).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : Integration of nominal Anglicisms to the rich Romanian inflectional system entails the use of nominal classifiers like enclitic determiners: tunerul, printerul, software-ul^[31]7 (soft-ul), proclitic determiners: un / niste ploter(e ), folder(e), inflectional affixes, i.e. plural morphemes like -e or -uri: servere, foldere, audituri, laptopuri, display-uri, holdinguri, trenduri, or case markers: holdingului, a unui manager.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : Now, the networks in Figures 7 and 8 do not operate separately; rather, activation flows travel through them at the same time in the processing of a given sentence. In this sense, Figure 9 illustrates the integration of both networks –only the semantic connections of the clitic se are included, lest the network proves unintelligible due to the inclusion of too many lines .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines494 - : Analytical and Holistic Approaches Influence the Semantic Integration: Evidence from the N400 effect

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines530 - : Similar to Sociocultural Theory, AT presupposes that cognitive development is social and cultural (^[82]Lantolf & Thorne, 2006). However, AT further addresses ^[83]Vygotsky’s (1978) claim that “human behavior results from the integration of ‘artifacts’ into human ‘activity’” (Lantolf, 2000: 8 ). Therefore, an outcome, (e.g., offering effective linguistic assistance in professional contexts) is accomplished through actions that emerge from the subject’s needs (^[84]Leontyev, 1978). Subsequently, according to ^[85]Lantolf and Thorne (2006), the achievement of said outcome is guided by symbolic and/or physical tools (e.g., online and computerized visual resources) and mediating artifacts (e.g., translating/interpreting techniques acquired through formal training). Thus, this goal-oriented pursuit portrays two types of curricula: the ‘visual’ and the ‘hidden’ (^[86]Blin & Appel, 2011), as seen in ^[87]Engeström’s (1987) scheme. The visual curriculum (upper axis) enables the observation

Evaluando al candidato integration:

1) lantolf: 3

Frec: 102
Docs: 49
Nombre propio: 2 / 102 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.390 = ( + (1+2) / (1+6.68650052718322)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
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: Chui, C. S. & Dias, C. (2017). The integration of e-portfolios in the foreign language classroom: Towards intercultural and reflective competences. In T. Chaudhuri & B. Cabau (Eds.), E-porfolios in Higher Education (pp. 53-74). Singapore, Malaysia: Springer.
: Chwilla, D. J., Kolk, H. H. & Vissers, C. T. (2007). Immediate integration of novel meanings: N400 support for an embodied view of language comprehension. Brain Research, 1183, 109-123. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2007.09.014
: Colina, S. & Lafford, B. A. (2017). Translation in Spanish language teaching: The integration of a “fifth skill” in the second language curriculum. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 4(2), 1-14.
: Coulson, S. & Van Petten, C. (2002). Conceptual integration and metaphor: An event-related potential study. Memory and Cognition, 30(6), 958-968. doi: 10.3758/BF03195780
: Dalili, M. V. (2011). On the integration of form and meaning in English Language Teaching (ELT): An overview of current pedagogical options. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 15, 2117-2121.
: Dombkins, D. H. (2008). The Integration of Project Management and Systems Thinking. Project Perspectives, 29, 16-21.
: Fauconnier, G. & Turner, M. (1998). Conceptual integration networks. Cognitive Science, 22(2), 133-187.
: Fernández, V. M. & Osa-Melero, L. (2017). Community engagement pedagogy: A tool to empower heritage language and second language integration. Hispania, 100(5), 53-54.
: Goldman, S., Varma, S. & Coté, N. (1996). Extending capacity-constrained construction integration: Toward "smarter" and fexible models of text comprehension. En B. Britton & A. Graesser (Eds.), Models of text comprehension (pp. 73-113). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
: Guha, A. & Rossi, J. (2001). Convergence of the integration dynamics of the construction-integration model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 45, 355-369.
: Hagoort, P., Hald, L., Bastiaansen, M. & Petersson, K. M. (2004). Integration of word meaning and world knowledge in language comprehension. Science, 304(5669), 438-441. doi: 10.1126/science.1095455
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: Lorenzo, F. & Dalton-Puffer, C. (2016). Historical literacy in CLIL: Telling the past in a second language. In T. Nikula, E. Dafouz, P. Moore & U. Smit (Eds.), Conceptualising Integration in CLIL and Multilingual Education (pp. 55-72). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
: Lorenzo, F. (2007). An analytical framework of language integration in L2-content based courses. Language and Education, 22, 502-15.
: Mckenzie, R., Evans, J. St. B. T. & Handley, S. J. (2010). Conditional reasoning in autism: Activation and integration of knowledge and belief. Developmental Psychology, 46(2), 391-403.
: Ovchinnikova, E. (2012). Integration of world knowledge for natural language understanding. París: Atlantis Press.
: O’Reilly,T., Sabatini, J., Bruce, K. & Sukkarieh, J. (2011). What multiple choice tests of reading ability don’t tell you: Evidence of reflection and knowledge integration in high quality constructed responses. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A.
: Pyszczynski, T. & Greenberg, J. (1987). Toward an integration of cognitive and motivational perspectives on social inference: A biased hypothesis-testing model. Advances in experimental social psychology, 20, 297-340.
: Schüler, A., Arndt, J. & Scheiter, K. (2015). Processing multimedia material: Does integration of text and pictures result in a single or two interconnected mental representations? Learning and Instruction, 35, 62-72.
: Sánchez-López, L. (2014). An analysis of the integration of service learning in undergraduate Spanish for specific purposes programs in higher education in the United States. Cuadernos de ALDEEU, 28, 155-170.
: Tanenhaus, M. K., Spivey-Knowlton, M. J., Eberhard, K. M. & Sedivy, J. C. (1995). Integration of visual and linguistic information in spoken language. Science, 268, 1632-1634.
: Van Berkum, J., Hagoort, P. y Brown, C. (1999) Semantic integration in sentences and discourse: evidence from the N400. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 11 (6): 657-671.
: Van Petten, C., Coulson, S., Rubin, S., Plante, E. & Parks, M. (1999). Time course of word identification and semantic integration in spoken language. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 25(2), 394-417. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.25.2.394
: Yang, C. L., Perfetti, C. A. & Schmalhofer, F. (2007). Event-related potential indicators of text integration across sentence boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 33(1), 55-89.
: Ye, Z., Stolk, A., Toni, I. & Hagoort, P. (2017). Oxytocin modulates semantic integration in speech.