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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) metacognition (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: metacognition

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines406 - : The impact of a linguistic intervention on rhetorical inferential comprehension and metacognition in EFL academic reading: A quasi-experimental, mixed-methods study^[23]*

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines64 - : Reder, L. M. (1996) "Different Research Programs on Metacognition: Are the Boundaries Imaginary ?". Learning and Individual Differences, Volumen 8, N 4, 1996, 383- 390. [ [85]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato metacognition:

Frec: 71
Docs: 19
Nombre propio: 1 / 71 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.139 = ( + (1+0) / (1+6.16992500144231)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Baker, L. (1991). Metacognition, Reading and Science Education. En C.M.Santa & D.Alvermann (Eds.), Science Learning (pp. 2-13). Delaware: Intemational Reading Association.
: Braaten, I. (1991) "Vygotsky as Precursor to Metacognitive Theory: I. The concept of Metacognition and Its Roots" en Scandinavian Journal of Educational. Research Vol. 35, N3 (pp. 305-320).
: Brown A. (1987) "Metacognition, executive control, self-regulation and other mysterious mechanisms". En E.F.Weinert R.H. Kluwe (Eds), Metacognition, motivation and understanding Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pp 65-116.
: Brown, A. (1985). Metacognition.The development of selective strategies for learning from texts. En H. Singer & R. B. Ruddell (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading (pp. 501 -527). Delaware: Intemational Reading Association.
: Brown, A. (1987) "Metacognition, Executive Control, Self Regulation and other more mysterious mechanisms" en Weinert, F. y Kluwe, R. (Eds.) Metacognition, Motivation and Understanding. Broadway: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers (pp. 65-116).
: Brown, A. (1987). Metacognition, executive control, self-regulation and other more mysterious mechanisms. In F. Wienert & H. Kluwe (Eds.), Learning by thinking (pp.65-116). New Jersey: Erlbaum.
: Byalistok, E. & Bouchard, E. R. (1985) "A metacognitive framework for the development of first and second language skills" en D. L. Forrest-Presley, G. E. MacKinnon y T. Gary Waller (Eds.) Metacognition, Cognition and Human Performance, Orlando: Academic Press, 207-252.
: Chi, M. (1987) "Representing knowledge and metaknowledge: implications for interpreting metamemory research" en Weinert, F. y Klowe, R. (Eds.) Metacognition, Motivation and Understanding. Broadway: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (pp.239-264).
: Davidson, J., R. Deuser y R. Stenberg. 1994. The role of metacognition in problem solving, en J. Metcalfe y A.P. Shimamura, Metacognition, Knowing about knowing. Massachusetts: MIT Press.
: Flavell, J. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring. A new area of cognitive-developmental Inquiry. American Psychologist, 34(10), 906 - 911.
: Flavell, J. (1987) "Speculation about the motive and development of metacognition" en Weinert, F. y Klowe, R. (Eds.) Metacognition, Motivation and Understanding. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers (pp. 21-29).
: Flavell, J. 1979. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring. American Psychologist, 34, 10, 906-911.
: Forrest-Pressley, D., Mackinnon, G. & Gary Waller, T. (1985). Metacognition, cognition and human performance: Instructional Practices. Reino Unido: Academic Press inc. Ltd.
: Gardner, R. (1988) Metacognition and Reading Comprehension. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
: Gombert, J. (1993). Metacognition, metalanguage and metapragmatics. International Journal of Psychology, 28(5), 571-580.
: Gordon, C. y C. Brown (1985) Metacognitive processes: reading and writing narrative discourses, en D.L. Forrest-Pressley, G.E. MacKinnon y G. Waller (Eds.), Metacognition, cognition and human performance. New York: Academic Press.
: Hacker, D.J. (1998) "Definitions and Empirical Foundations", en D.J. Hacker, J. Dunlosky y A.C. Graesser (Eds.) Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice, Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1-23.
: Hertzog, C. y Dixon, R. (1994) "Metacognitive Development in Adulhood and Old Age" en Metcalfe, J. y Shimamura A. (Eds.) Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing Massachusetts: MIT Press (pp.227-251).
: Jacobs J. y Paris S. (1987) "Children`s metacognition about reading: Issues in definition, measurement and instruction", Educational Psychologist 223, 255-278.
: Jacobs, J. y Paris, S. (1987) "Children´s Metacognition About Reading: Issues in 278, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
: Maki, R. & McGuire, M. (2002). Metacognition for text: Findings and implications for education. En T. F. Perfect & B. L. Schwartz (Eds.), Applied metacognition (pp. 1–11) . New York: Cambridge University Press.
: Metcalfe, J. & Shimamura, A. (1994) Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
: Miller, Patricia (1985). "Metacognition and Attention" en D . L. Forrest-Presley, G. E. MacKinnon y T. Gary Waller (Eds.) Metacognition, Cognition and Human Performance. Orlando: Academic Press.
: Miner, A. y Reder, L. (1994) "A New Look at Feeling of knowing: It´s Metacognitive Role in Regulating Question Answering" en Metcalfe,J. y Shimamura, A. (Eds.) Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing, Massachusetts: MIT Press (pp. 105-137).
: Nelson, T. y Narens, L. (1994) "Why investigate Metacognition?" en Metcalfe,J. y Shimamura A. (Eds.) Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing Massachusetts: MIT Press (1-23).
: Otero, J. (1998). Influence of Knowledge activation and context on compression monitoring of science text. In D. Hacher, J. Dunlosky & A. Graesser (Coor.), Metacognition in Eductional theory and practice (pp. 145-164). New Jersey: LEA.
: Reder, L. & Schunn, C. (1996). Metacognitive aspects of implicit/explicit memory. En L. Reder (Ed.), Implicit memory and metacognition (pp. 45–78). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
: Shimamura, A. (1994) "The Neuropsychology of Metacognition" en Metcalfe, J. y Shimamura A. (Eds.) Metacognition: Knowing about Knowing, Massachusetts: MIT Press (pp.253-276).
: Vandergrifft, L. & Goh, C. (2012). Teaching and learning second language listening: Metacognition in action. Nueva York: Routledge.
: Victori, M. & Lockhart, W. (1995). Enhancing metacognition in self-directed language learning, System, 23(2), 223-234.
: Weinert, F. (1987) "Introduction and Overview: Metacognition and Motivation as Determinants of Effective Learning and Understanding" en Franz Weinert y Rainer Kluwe (Eds.) Metacognition, Motivation and Understanding. Broadway: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
: Wellman H. M. (1985) "The Origins of metacognition". En D. L. Forrest-Presley, G. E. Mackinnon y T. G. Waller (Eds), Metacognition, cognition and human performance. New York: Academic Press pp. 1-3.
: Yussen, S. (1985) "The role of metacognition in contemporary theories of cognitive development" en Forrest-Pressley, Mackinnon y Waller (Eds.) Metacognition, Cognition and Human Performance, Orlando: Academic Press, 253-283.