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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) metalinguistic (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: metalinguistic

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines268 - : From metalinguistic function to metalanguage: Studies of metalanguage in current linguistics

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines395 - : Considerando los cuatro criterios mencionados arriba, la evaluación (o postura) queda excluida del ámbito del metadiscurso y se considera una categoría conceptualmente diferente: “Unlike metadiscourse, stance is not self-reflexive language; it does not involve the metalinguistic function” (Ädel, 2006: 40 ). De acuerdo a esta investigadora, en la evaluación hay tres funciones predominantes: la expresiva, la directiva y la referencial (orientada hacia las entidades en el mundo real). Y aunque existe un cierto traslape entre ambos conceptos (en ambos los participantes del discurso son componentes centrales), el metadiscurso conecta al escritor y al lector con el texto actual o con el mundo del discurso, mientras que la evaluación los conecta con el mundo real.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines406 - : One learner was more precise in her uptake of metalinguistic terms and her ability to relate those to rhetorical inferences:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines406 - : Quantitative data analysis shows that both traditional instruction and the intervention had an impact on participants’ ability to make rhetorical inferences with texts in the targeted genres. However, the experimental group’s effect size was larger. With regard to question one concerning the participants’ uptake of metalinguistic terms, the only terms that were clearly taken up by two of the experimental group participants were the adapted names for the CaRS model moves: topic, debate, and contribution (examples 5 and 6 ). There is no evidence of uptake of any other metalinguistic terms. As for question two focusing on awareness of metalinguistic and metacognitive activity, the use of metalanguage already suggests awareness of rhetorical move parsing; however, other learners show awareness of rhetorical inferencing strategies without connecting them to metalanguage. All learners in the experimental group report metacognitive gains in terms of increased knowledge of the strategies

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines406 - : From a theoretical standpoint, our results appear to confirm the Metalinguistic Hypothesis: the group exposed to forms of metalanguage and metalinguistic activity that are tailored to match the rhetorical features of the target genres was the group that experienced greater gains in inferential comprehension and metacognition . The students’ statements also suggest a connection between increased metalinguistic awareness, raised standards of coherence and comprehension monitoring abilities, and an emerging willingness to engage in effortful processing. It appears, then, that the quality of readers’ metalinguistic awareness allows readers to exercise conscious activity on their developing mental representation of the text, or textbase. Having words to describe this emerging textbase and/or engaging in procedures that require conscious attention to it results in greater focalization, which enables monitoring and effortful processing, and the emergence of higher standards of coherence. From the

Evaluando al candidato metalinguistic:

1) awareness: 5 (*)
2) rhetorical: 5 (*)
5) metalanguage: 4 (*)
6) participants: 3
7) uptake: 3 (*)
8) experimental: 3
11) evaluación: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 76
Docs: 23
Nombre propio: / 76 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Puntaje: 5.792 = (5 + (1+4.75488750216347) / (1+6.2667865406949)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C. & Steel, D. (1997). Metalinguistic knowledge, language aptitude and language proficiency. Language Teaching Research, 1(2), 93-121.
: Allal, L. (2000) Metacognitive regulation of writing in the classroom. En A. Camps & M. Milian (eds.) Metalinguistic Activity in Learning to Write. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (pp. 145-166).
: Bialystok, E. (1992). Attentional control in children's metalinguistic performance and measures of field independence. Developmental Psychology, 4, 654-664.
: Bowey, A. & Patel, K. (1988). Metalinguistic ability and early reading achievement. Applied Psycholinguistics, 9, 367-383.
: Camps, A., Guasch, O., Milian, M. & Ribas, T. (2000). Metalinguistic activity: The link between writing and learning to write. In A. Camps & M. Milian (Eds.), Metalinguistic activity in learning to write (pp. 108-123). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
: Castelló, M.(2000) Students' conceptions on academic writing. En A. Camps & M. Milian (eds.) Metalinguistic Activity in Learning to Write. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (pp. 49-78).
: Chaney, C. (1994). Language development metalinguistic awareness and emergent literacy skills of 3-year-old children in relation to social class. Applied Psycholinguistics, 15, 371-394.
: Concha, S. & Paratore, J. (2011). Local coherence in persuasive writing: An exploration of Chilean students’ metalinguistic knowledge, writing process, and writing products. Written Communication, 28(1), 34-69.
: Duncan, L., Casalis, S. & Colé, P. (2008). Early metalinguistic awareness of derivational morphology: Observations from a comparison of English and French. Applied Psycholinguistics, 30, 405-440.
: Gombert, J. (1992). Metalinguistic development. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
: Gombert, J. (1992). Metalinguistic development. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
: Jessner, U. (2008). A DST model of multilingualism and the role of metalinguistic awareness. Modern Language Journal, 92(2), 270-283.
: Levy, Y. (1999). Early metalinguistic competence: Speech monitoring and repair behavior. Developmental Psychology, 3, 822-834.
: Muter, V. & Snowling, M. (1998). Concurrent and longitudinal predictors of reading: The role of metalinguistic and short-term memory skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 33, 320-337.
: Nagata, N. (1995). A Study of consciousness raising by computer: The effect of metalinguistic feedback on second language learning. Foreign Language Annals, 28(3), 337-347.
: Nagata, N. (1997). The effectiveness of computer-assisted metalinguistic instruction: A case study in Japanese. Foreign Language Annals, 30(2), 187-199.
: Nagy, W. (2007). Metalinguistic awareness and the vocabulary-comprehension connection. In R.K. Wagner, A. Muse & K.R. Tannenbaum (Eds.), Vocabulary acquisition: Implications for reading comprehension (pp. 52-77). New York: The Guilford Press.
: Pittard, V. & Martlew, M. (2000) Socially-situated cognition and metalinguistic activity. En A. Camps & M. Milian (eds.) Metalinguistic Activity in Learning to Write. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (pp. 79-102).
: Tunmer, W. & Bowey, J. A. (1984). Metalinguistic awareness and reading acquisition. En W. E. Tunmer, C. Pratt & M. L. Herriman (Eds.), Metalinguistic awareness in children: Theory, research and implications (pp. 144-168). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
: Valtín, R. (1984). The development of metalinguistic abilities in children learning to read and write. En J. Downing & R. Valtin (Eds.), Language awareness and learning to read (pp. 207-226). Nueva York. Springer Verlag.