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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) metapragmatics (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: metapragmatics

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusRLAtxt188 - : Therefore, a thorough linguistic approach to the notion of metapragmatics needs to rely on more identifiable elements, an analysis of which will show us the ways in which the choice-making process occurs. The domain of metapragmatics should consequently be conceived with regard to "[t]he systematic study of the metalevel, where indicators of reflexive awareness are to be found in the actual choice-making that constitutes language use" (^[46]Verschueren, 1999: 188 ).

paper corpusRLAtxt188 - : *This paper is part of the ongoing research projects The Development of Figurative Awareness during the Primary School Period: Humor and Phraseology (FFI2016-76047-P, AEI-FEDER/EU) and Metapragmatics of Children's Humor: Acquisition, Gender Perspective and Applications (GRE14-19, University of Alicante ). I would also like to acknowledge Leonor Ruiz-Gurillo for her helpful and insightful comments.

Evaluando al candidato metapragmatics:

Frec: 17
Docs: 11
Nombre propio: 1 / 17 = 5%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.193 = ( + (1+0) / (1+4.16992500144231)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 15. Hickmann, Maya. 1993. The boundaries of reported speech in narrative discourse: some developmental aspects. En John Lucy (ed.), Reflexive language. Reported speech and metapragmatics, 63-90. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: 21. Overstreet, Maryann y George Yule. 2002. The metapragmatics of “and everything”. Journal of Pragmatics 34. 785-794.
: Gombert, J. (1993). Metacognition, metalanguage and metapragmatics. International Journal of Psychology, 28(5), 571-580.
: Hickmann, Maya, Christian Champaud y Dominique Bassano. 1993. Pragmatics and metapragmatics in the development of epistemic modality: evidence from French children’s reports of think-statements, First Language, 13: 359-389.
: Hoicka, Elena. 2016. Understanding of humorous intentions: a developmental approach, em L. Ruiz-Gurillo (ed.), Metapragmatics of humor: Current research trends, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 257-272.
: Lucy, J. (1993). Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2016). Metapragmatics of humor: Variability, negotiability and adaptability in humorous monologues. En L. Ruiz Gurillo (Ed.), Metapragmatics of humor: Current research trends (pp. 79-101). Amsterdam/Filadelfia: John Benjamins.
: Silverstein, M. (1993). Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function. En J. Lucy (Ed.), Reflexive language. Reported speech and metapragmatics (pp. 33-58). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Timofeeva-Timofeev, Larissa. (2016). Children Using Phraseology for Humorous Purposes: The Case of 9-to-10-year-olds. In L. Ruiz-Gurillo. (ed). Metapragmatics of Humor: Current Research Trends, 275-300. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. DOI: 10.1075/ivitra.14.14tim.