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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) move (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: move

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines142 - : egundo se refiere a la transferencia mental de la información ('pedir') y el último a la transferencia física de un objeto ('entrar', 'salir'); le siguen MOVE y ATTEND, MOVE contempla el movimiento de una parte del cuerpo de un ser animado por él mismo ('mover'), ATTEND, corresponde a la acción que realiza un órgano sensorial cuando se enfrenta a un estímulo ('ver', 'escuchar' ); para culminar con SPEAK, MBUILD y HACE. Estos elementos se refieren a acciones sensoriales como 'saludar', 'decir', en el caso de SPEAK o acciones como 'ver' y 'escuchar', en el caso de ATTEND, HACE implica un acto desconocido que causa un cambio de algún tipo de estado físico. Tanto PROPEL como INGEST contienen unidades de memoria en casos particulares que no tienen mayor significación y que tienden a presentarse en algunos jóvenes, debido al estereotipo de estas acciones y el escaso refuerzo de otras. PROPEL consiste en la aplicación de una fuerza física sobre un objeto ('empujar', 'golpear'), INGEST corresponde

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines269 - : Aquí la circunstancia de Modo: grado = 'profundamente' se combina con el Proceso = conmovido (moved). Aun cuando move se usa en inglés como un verbo de movimiento en cláusulas 'materiales' aquí el sentido de movimiento es metafórico en un espacio abstracto y sirve como una cláusula 'mental emotiva' en el sentido de 'agitar las emociones, sentimientos, o pasiones. La circunstancia de Modo especifica el grado en el que 'su alma' estaba afectada emocionalmente. De hecho, 'profundamente' no podría usarse con mover en su sentido material, de movimiento: sería difícil de aceptar 'movieron el piano profundamente' como variante de 'ellos movieron el piano un gran trecho' ; al igual que muchos otros adverbios de grado usados fuera de su esfera colocacional, probablemente sería interpretado como un tipo de cualidad (¿de qué modo?) o una extensión del tipo 'distancia' (¿cuán lejos?). En este sentido mental, emotivo de conmover /(move) se podría configurar con un hecho como Fenómeno como en 'lo

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : According to Connor and Mauranen (1999), grant proposals represent a type of persuasive writing whose communicative purpose is to convince reviewers and funding agencies to provide them with the funds they require to carry out their research activities. Following Swales' definition of move (1990), these authors identify ten rhetorical moves, namely Territory, Gap, Goal, Means, Reporting Previous Research, Achievements, Benefits, Competence Claim, Importance Claim and Compliance Claim. Within these identifiable functional units, they concluded that the following moves -or stages- were specific to the genre: Achievements, Benefits, Importance Claim and Compliance Claim . The first two refer to the purposes of the research - whether they contribute to the research or outside world, respectively. Like in the previous moves, Importance Claim seeks to emphasize the positive aspects of the work but it is not in a strict relationship to the results. The last special move -Compliance Claim- seems to

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : According to Connor and Mauranen (1999), grant proposals represent a type of persuasive writing whose communicative purpose is to convince reviewers and funding agencies to provide them with the funds they require to carry out their research activities. Following Swales' definition of move (1990), these authors identify ten rhetorical moves, namely Territory, Gap, Goal, Means, Reporting Previous Research, Achievements, Benefits, Competence Claim, Importance Claim and Compliance Claim. Within these identifiable functional units, they concluded that the following moves -or stages- were specific to the genre: Achievements, Benefits, Importance Claim and Compliance Claim . The first two refer to the purposes of the research - whether they contribute to the research or outside world, respectively. Like in the previous moves, Importance Claim seeks to emphasize the positive aspects of the work but it is not in a strict relationship to the results. The last special move -Compliance Claim- seems to

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines394 - : Para analizar la estructura de un género como es el artículo de investigación, la lingüística anglosajona utiliza términos como move y step, es decir, ‘movimiento’ y ‘paso’, al objeto de distinguir las diversas funciones y sub-funciones comunicativas de un artículo de investigación (Swales, 1990 ). En la obra colectiva de Fortanet Gómez (2002) se optó por ‘secuencia’ y ‘unidad informativa’, por lo que en el capítulo de esa obra sobre el resumen se habla de una estructura basada en ‘secuencias’ (Posteguillo Gómez, 2002). En el presente trabajo, no obstante, hemos optado por ‘unidad estructural’ siguiendo la investigación de Martín Martín (2003), entendiéndola como una unidad de análisis “para describir las estructuras discursivas de un género específico” (Martín Martín, 2010: 114).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines406 - : Quantitative data analysis shows that both traditional instruction and the intervention had an impact on participants’ ability to make rhetorical inferences with texts in the targeted genres. However, the experimental group’s effect size was larger. With regard to question one concerning the participants’ uptake of metalinguistic terms, the only terms that were clearly taken up by two of the experimental group participants were the adapted names for the CaRS model moves: topic, debate, and contribution (examples 5 and 6 ). There is no evidence of uptake of any other metalinguistic terms. As for question two focusing on awareness of metalinguistic and metacognitive activity, the use of metalanguage already suggests awareness of rhetorical move parsing; however, other learners show awareness of rhetorical inferencing strategies without connecting them to metalanguage. All learners in the experimental group report metacognitive gains in terms of increased knowledge of the strategies

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines419 - : “(…) represents academic research articles in terms of hierarchically organized text made up of distinct sections; each section can be subdivided into moves, and each move can be broken down into steps” (Kanoksilapatham, 2005: 271 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines427 - : corpus (Biber, Connor & Upton, 2007; Parodi, 2008). The results show the identification of five moves: Posing Problem, Problem Definition, Problem Modeling, Resolution Modelling and Results . Some of these moves are specifically operationalized in certain steps that account for particular communicative purposes. Furthermore, it is possible to identify some moves that employ semiotic artifacts that contribute to the communicative purpose of the move itself.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines444 - : [32][1] “The term move means a text segment made up of a bundle of linguistic features (lexical meanings, propositional meanings, illocutionary forces, etc.) which give the segment a uniform orientation and signal the content of discourse in it. Each move is taken to embody a number of constituent elements or slots which combine in identifiable ways to constitute information in the move” (Nwogu, 1997: 122 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines579 - : The study of genres from a rhetorical move perspective has its roots in ^[40]Swales’ work (1981, 1990), and “aims to determine the communicative purposes of a text by categorizing diverse text units according to the particular communicative purpose of each unit” (^[41]Parodi, 2010: 198 ). Swales (^[42]1981, ^[43]1990) studied the rhetorical organization of research article introductions and introduced his Creating a Research Space model (the CARS model), composed of the segments known as moves and steps. A move denotes a text component referring “to a defined and bounded communicative act that is designed to contribute to one main communicative objective, that of the whole text” (^[44]Lorés-Sanz, 2004: 282). Moves are further divided into steps as lower structural segments, each performing a specific communicative purpose linked to that of moves and the overall aim of the genre. Moves and steps form a unique rhetorical organization of a genre contributing to its identification and

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines579 - : Following ^[81]Thompson (1994) in his analysis of the impact of class size on the rhetorical organization of 10 lecture introductions from various disciplines taken from MICASE, ^[82]Lee (2009: 46) identified another move - WARMING UP, in which lecturers:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines77 - : "the hability to use self-regulatory mechanisms to ensure the successful completion of the task, such as checking the outcome of any attempt to solve the problem, planing one´s next move, evaluating the effectiveness of any attempted action, testing, and revising one´s strategies for learning, and remediating any difficulties encountered by using compensatoring stretegies" ([152]Baker y Brown, 1984: 22 ).

Evaluando al candidato move:

2) communicative: 9 (*)
3) rhetorical: 9 (*)
5) importance: 6
7) swales: 5
10) purpose: 5
13) steps: 4
14) achievements: 4
15) contribute: 4
19) claim.: 4
20) benefits: 4

Lengua: eng
Frec: 77
Docs: 37
Nombre propio: 1 / 77 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 501
Puntaje: 2.931 = (2 + (1+5.78135971352466) / (1+6.28540221886225)));
Rechazado: muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Biber, D., Connor, U. & Upton, T. (2007). Discourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
: Loan, N. & Pramoolsook, I. (2015). Move analysis of results-discussion chapters in TESOL Master’s theses written by Vietnamese students. Language, Linguistics, Literature, 21, 1-15.
: Moreno, A. I. & Swales, J. M. (2018). Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap. English for Specific Purposes, 50, 40-63 [on line]. Retrieved form: [220]https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2017.11.006
: Salager-Meyer, F. (1992). A text-type and move analysis of verb tense and modality distribution in medical English abstracts. English for Specific Purposes, 11(2), 93-115.
: Stoller, F. L. & Robinson, M. S. (2013). Chemistry journal articles: An interdisciplinary approach to move analysis with pedagogical aims. English for Specific Purposes, 32(1), 45-57.
: Upton, T. A. & Cohen, M. A. (2009). An approach to corpus-based discourse analysis: The move analysis as example. Discourse studies, 11(5), 585-605.