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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) portuguese (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: portuguese

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : Forms of address are specific ways of building a relationship between sender and receiver. In Romanian, addressing is achieved by means of specialized lexical units that call the attention of the receiver (appellatives) and that may be associated with corresponding grammatical elements (vocative, second person, interrogative, or imperative utterances) or with interjections whose role is to intensify the verbal mobilization (GALR, 2005). What is more, Romanian distinguishes between deferential and non-deferential pronouns (dumneavoastra - tu), just as happens in French (vous - tu), Spanish (usted - tú), German (Sie - du). In other respects, Romanian resembles Portuguese and Italian since these languages have developed a third unit for what we call 'mitigated politeness', creating thus a contrast between 'emphatic deference' (distant respect) and 'non-emphatic deference' (familiar respect) (Niculescu, 1965: 43): dumneavoastra / dumneata .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : Schmitt (1992) observes that, if we follow Kratzer´s analysis, both sentences (19a) and (19b) need to project a Davidsonian argument. The problem is that we cannot maintain the generalization that ser + predicate is an ILP and estar + predicate is a SLP because only SLPs are supposed to project a Davidsonian argument according to her analysis. However, both (19a) and (19b) are acceptable although the verb used is ser. She points out that while estar behaves as SL with respect to the Davidsonian argument, ser does not behave as IL in every case. She shows that ser allows an existential interpretation of bare plurals in certain contexts (in Portuguese):

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines319 - : An important point of Schmitt´s (1996) work is that she proposes that Kratzer´s (1995) test (that only SLPs can be modified by temporal or frequency adverbs) be reanalyzed as a test for determining if a predicate has the appropriate aspectual properties. In order to support her claim that the adverbial ´when(ever)´ selects for aspectual properties, Schmitt (1996) provides the following example (in Portuguese):

Evaluando al candidato portuguese:

1) davidsonian: 3
2) respect: 3
3) romanian: 3 (*)
4) predicate: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 40
Docs: 24
Nombre propio: 3 / 40 = 7%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.739 = (2 + (1+3.70043971814109) / (1+5.35755200461808)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Fryer, T. B. & Guntermann, C. G. (1998). Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.
: Gamallo, P. & González, I. (2012). DepPattern: A multilingual dependency parser. Sesión de demos. Ponencia presentada en el 10 ^t ^h International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language (PROPOR’ 2012), Coimbra, Portugal.
: Geeslin, K. & Guijarro-Fuentes, P. (2006). The second language acquisition of variable structures in Spanish by Portuguese speakers. Language Learning, 56(1), 53-107.
: Grattan Doyle, H. (1945). Handbook on the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, with Special Reference to Latin America. Boston, MA: D. C. Heath & Co.
: Hellebrandt, J. & Jorge, E. (2013). The scholarship of community engagement: Advancing partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania, 96(2), 203-214.
: Marquez, M. (2010). The public and private sphere in parliamentary debate: The construction of the addresser in the Portuguese Parliament. In C. Ilie (Ed.), European Parliaments under Scrutiny (pp. 79-108). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Meira, Â., Cadime, I. & Leopoldina, F. (2019). The structure of phonological awareness in European Portuguese: A study of preschool children. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(3), 367-376. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2018.1530966
: Nikitina, L., Zuraidah, M. D. & Loh, S. C. (2014). Focus on Brazil: Country images held by Malaysian learners of Brazilian Portuguese. Calidoscópio, 12(1), 73-82.
: Olazagasti-Segovia, E. (2004). Second language acquisition, academic service learning, and learners’ transformation. In J. Hellebrandt, J. Arries & L. Varona (Eds.), Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese (pp. 5-16). Boston, MA: Thomas/Heinle.
: Posio, P. (2012). The functions of postverbal pronominal subjects in spoken Peninsular Spanish and European Portuguese. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 5(1), 149-190.
: Querido, A. (1976). The semantics of copulative constructions in Portuguese. In M. Luján & F. Hensey (Eds.), Current studies in Romance linguistics (pp. 343-366). Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
: Sardinha, T. (2000). Semantic prosodies in English and Portuguese: A contrastive study. Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa, 9, 93-109.
: Schmidt, R. & Frota, N. (1986). Developing basic conversational ability in a second language: A case study of an adult learner of Portuguese. En M. Day (Ed.), Talking to learn (pp. 237-326). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
: Spaine Long, S. (Ed.). (2010). Curricular changes for Spanish and Portuguese in a new era. Hispania, 93(1).
: Spaine Long, S. (Ed.). (2017). Visionary essays: The future of Spanish and Portuguese. Hispania, 100(5).
: [159][flecha.gif] Correspondencia: Vania Barraza ([160]vbarraza@email.arizona.edu). Tel.: (520) 621 5521. Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, University of Arizona, Modern Languages 534. P.O. Box 210067, Tucson, AZ 85721-0067, Estados Unidos.