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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) predict (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: predict

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : of culture. In language education, learners have to make predictions in two ways: to predict the text from the context, and to predict the context from the text, and this poses a particular difficulty to second or foreing language learners who are still unfamiliar with the total pattern of the new language: they have to learn from texts produced in a language they have little experience of . In Halliday's (1978: 23) words, in language education

Evaluando al candidato predict:

Lengua: eng
Frec: 28
Docs: 17
Nombre propio: / 28 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.171 = ( + (1+0) / (1+4.85798099512757)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Kulakova, E. & Nieuwland, M. S. (2016). Pragmatic skills predict online counterfactual comprehension: Evidence from the N400. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-11. doi: 10.3758/s13415-016-0433-4
: McNamara, D., Lowerse, M. & Graesser, A. (2004). Coh-metrics: Automated cohesion and coherence scores to predict text readability and facilitate comprehension [en línea]. Disponible en: [55]http://cohmetrix.memphis.edu/cohmetrixpr/archive/Coh-metrixGrant.pdf