Kind - The Taxonomy Project

This is the new version of Kind (May 26, 2024).

This taxonomy is based on the Spanish Wiktionary. At the moment it is only available in this language. Versions for some others will be available at some point in the future.
Enter any arbitrary word or a list of common single-nouns in Spanish to classify them (one per line):

request a RANDOM SAMPLE of 100 entries

You can also download the full taxonomy:

Ok! We have some input...
We have 1 units.
You will now see an attempt to find hypernymy changes for each input noun and for each of its senses in case it is polysemous.
Keep in mind that this is highly experimental, it has been published today and it does not have any kind of supervision.

1) referencia

Sense 1 of referencia
----> acto
--------> evento
------------> eventualidad

Sense 2 of referencia
----> reseña
--------> libro
------------> documento
----------------> artefacto
--------------------> inanimado
------------------------> objeto_físico
----------------------------> entidad

Sense 3 of referencia
----> base
--------> sistema
------------> entidad_abstracta
----------------> entidad

Sense 4 of referencia
----> documento
--------> artefacto
------------> inanimado
----------------> objeto_físico
--------------------> entidad

We found the following entries under referencia

1) ----> alusión
2) ----> casamentero
3) ----> cita
4) ----> credulidad
5) ----> disculpabilidad
6) ----> enlace
7) ----> epígrafe
8) ----> guardacuños
9) ----> guardarropa
10) ----> guardasellos
11) ----> guardaviñas
12) ----> interwiki
13) ----> kremlin
14) ----> limosnero
15) ----> marinería
16) ----> móvil
17) ----> norte
18) ----> par
19) ----> pateador
20) ----> prosélito
21) ----> público
22) ----> relación
23) ----> retrorreferencia
24) ----> sujeto
25) ----> terminal
26) ----> top