Kind - The Taxonomy Project
Ok! We have some input...
We have 1 units.
Language: English
You will now see an attempt to find hypernymy changes for each input noun and for
each of its senses in case it is polysemous.
Remember: this is all too experimental. It contains errors.
1) varietal
Sense 1 of varietal
----> coffee a coffee made primarily from or exclusively from a single variety of coffee bean
--------> beverage a beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water
------------> artifact
----------------> inanimate
--------------------> physical object
------------------------> entity
Sense 2 of varietal
----> wine a wine made primarily from or exclusively from a single variety of grape which carries the name of that grape
--------> alcoholic drink
------------> drink
----------------> beverage
--------------------> artifact
------------------------> inanimate
----------------------------> physical object
--------------------------------> entity