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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) secondary school students (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: secondary school students

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_Lenguajetxt183 - : Secondary school students on the other hand reported significantly more frequent use of learning strategies in Turkish (M=130.18) than in English (M=121.42). This phenomenon was observed in every strategy group. The most frequently employed strategy group was found to be elaboration strategies in both languages (M=35.46 in Turkish, M=32.56 in English). The least frequently used strategies in both languages were found to be rehearsal strategies (M=15.36 in Turkish, M=14.41 in English). [174]Figure 2 presents secondary school students’ frequency of learning strategy use and p-values:

Evaluando al candidato secondary school students:

1) strategies: 4
3) turkish: 3
4) strategy: 3 (*)

secondary school students
Lengua: eng
Frec: 46
Docs: 24
Nombre propio: / 46 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.680 = (1 + (1+3.4594316186373) / (1+5.55458885167764)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
secondary school students
: Al-Hammadi, F. (2010). The impact of multimedia on critical thinking and writing of Saudi secondary school students. Information technology journal, 9, 11-19.
: Babikkoim M. A. & Abdul Razak, N. Z. (2014). Implications of parents’ socio-economic status in the choice of English language learning strategies among Nigeria’s secondary school students. English Language Teaching, 7(8), 139-147.
: Chan, Y-Y.G., & Watkins, D. A. (1994). Classroom Environments and Approaches to Learning: An Investigation of the Actual and Preferred Perceptions of Hong Kong Secondary School Students. Instructional Sciences, 22, 233-246.
: Crowther, R. y Durkin, K. (1982). Sexand Age-Related Differences in the Musical Behaviour, Interests and Attitudes Towards Music of 232 Secondary School Students. Educational Studies, 8(2), 131-139.
: Custodio, Brenda, and Sutton, Marilyn Jean. (1998). Literature-based ESL for Secondary School Students. TESOL, 7(5), 19-23.
: Emamipour, S., & Esfandabad, H. (2010). A comparative study of learning styles among monolingual (Persian) and bilingual (Turkish-Persian) secondary school students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 2419-2422.
: Marttinen, M. (2008). Vocabulary learning strategies used by upper secondary school students studying English as a second language. A Pro Gradu Thesis in English, University of Jyväskylä .