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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) aphasic (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: aphasic

Is in goldstandard

paper VE_Letrastxt78 - : 6. Pietrosemoli, L. a (2007). Cohesion in the conversational samples of Broca's Aphasic individuals: Theoretical and clinical implications . En José Centeno, Raquel T. Anderson y Loraine K. Obler. 2007: 198-213. Communication Disorders in Spanish Speakers. Theoretical, Research and Clinical Aspects. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters LTD. [ [30]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato aphasic:

Frec: 16
Docs: 11
Nombre propio: 1 / 16 = 6%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.197 = ( + (1+0) / (1+4.08746284125034)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Brundage, S. B. & Brookshire, R. H. (1995). A system for scoring proverb interpretations provided by non-brain-damaged adults and aphasic adults. Clinical Aphasiology, 23, 165-177.
: Kukkonen, P. (2006). Aphasic Errors as Evidence for the Mental Organization of Morphology. SKY Journal of Linguistics, 19(A Man of Measure: Festschrift in Honour of Fred Karlsson on his 60th Birthday),209-218.
: Landis, T., Graves, R. y Goodglass, H. (1982). Aphasic reading and writing: Possible evidence for right hemisphere participation. Cortex, 18, 105-112.
: Lorch, M.P., Borod, J.C. y Koff, E. (1998). The role of emotion in the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of aphasic performance. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 11(1-2), 103-118.
: Papagno, C. & Cacciari, C. (2003). Ambiguous idioms understandig in Italian aphasic patients [en línea]. Disponible en: [47]http://www.psych.unito.it/csc/cogsci0/frame/poster/1/f608-papagno.pdf
: Rogalski, E., Sridhar, J., Rader, B., Martersteck, A., Chen, K., Cobia, D., Thompson, C. K., Weintraub, S., Bigio, E. H. & Mesulam, M. M. (2016). Aphasic variant of Alzheimer disease Clinical, anatomic, and genetic features. Neurology, 87(13), 1337-1343.
: Ross, E., Shayya, L. y Rousseau, J. 2013. Prosodic stress: Acoustic, aphasic, aprosodic and neuroanatomic interactions". Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26, 2, 526-551.
: Sasanuma, S., & Fujimura, O. (1971). Selective impairment of phonetic and nonphonetic transcription of words in Japanese aphasic patients: kana vs. kanji in visual recognition and writing. Cortex, 7, 1-18.
: Weinrich, M., Boser, K. & McCall, D. (1999). Representation of Linguistic Rules in the Brain: Evidence from Training an Aphasic Patient to Produce Past Tense Verb Morphology. Brain and Language , 70, 144-158. doi: 10.1006/brln.1999.2141
: Wilkinson, R. (2006). Applying conversation analysis to aphasic talk: From investigation to intervention. Revue Frangaise de Linguistique Appliquée, 11(2), 99-110. [205]https://doi.org/10.3917/rfla.112.0099