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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) appraisal (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: appraisal

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines184 - : “The term appraisal will be used here for the semantic resources used to negotiate emotions, judgements, and evaluations, alongside resources for amplifying and engaging with these evaluations” (Martin, 2003: 145 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines184 - : Para este autor, el término appraisal incluye tres sistemas: el ‘afecto’, el ‘juicio’ y la ‘apreciación’ . El ‘afecto’ comprende los recursos que expresan una respuesta emocional, como la felicidad, la tristeza, el temor; el ‘juicio’ se refiere a evaluaciones morales y de comportamiento. Mediante la ‘apreciación’ se evalúan productos y procesos, e incluye valores estéticos y otros aspectos de valoración social, como ‘significativo’ o ‘perjudicial’. Tanto en el ‘afecto’ y el ‘juicio’, como en la ‘apreciación’, los valores pueden ser positivos o negativos.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : Appraisal in the research genres: An analysis of grant proposals by Argentinean researchers

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : The present study attempts to explore expressions of interpersonal meaning more systematically, drawing on SFL theory. The metafunctional nature of this theory not only provides a systematic means for differentiating interpersonal meaning from ideational and textual meanings, but also for exploring how they relate to each other. Within SFL, Appraisal offers the theorization of interpersonal meaning choices in discourse (see Martin, 2000; Martin & Rose, 2003, 2007; Hood, 2004; Hood & Martin, 2005; Martin & White, 2005). A central concept of Appraisal theory is that speakers of a language use evaluative resources "for negotiating our social relationships, by telling our listeners or readers how we feel about things and people (in a word, what our attitudes are)" (Martin & Rose, 2003:19 ). The focus of analysis of this study deals with one of the Appraisal systems outlined by these authors -Engagement, which includes "all the resources by which the textual or authorial voice is positioned

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : [...] a comprehensive map of appraisal resources that we could deploy systematically in discourse analysis, both with a view to understanding the rhetorical effect of evaluative lexis as texts unfold, and to better understanding the interplay of interpersonal meaning and social relations in the model of language and the social we were developing, especially in the area of solidarity (Martin, 2000: 148 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : Appraisal in the research genres: An analysis of grant proposals by Argentinean researchers

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : The present study attempts to explore expressions of interpersonal meaning more systematically, drawing on SFL theory. The metafunctional nature of this theory not only provides a systematic means for differentiating interpersonal meaning from ideational and textual meanings, but also for exploring how they relate to each other. Within SFL, Appraisal offers the theorization of interpersonal meaning choices in discourse (see Martin, 2000; Martin & Rose, 2003, 2007; Hood, 2004; Hood & Martin, 2005; Martin & White, 2005). A central concept of Appraisal theory is that speakers of a language use evaluative resources "for negotiating our social relationships, by telling our listeners or readers how we feel about things and people (in a word, what our attitudes are)" (Martin & Rose, 2003:19 ). The focus of analysis of this study deals with one of the Appraisal systems outlined by these authors -Engagement, which includes "all the resources by which the textual or authorial voice is positioned

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : [...] a comprehensive map of appraisal resources that we could deploy systematically in discourse analysis, both with a view to understanding the rhetorical effect of evaluative lexis as texts unfold, and to better understanding the interplay of interpersonal meaning and social relations in the model of language and the social we were developing, especially in the area of solidarity (Martin, 2000: 148 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines365 - : A pesar de que algunos estudios (Alonso Belmonte, McCabe & Chornet Roses, 2011; Díaz Rojo, 2012) que emplean el marco teórico del Appraisal para su aproximación al estudio de estos verbos, los inscriben en el subsistema del compromiso, donde uno de los subsistemas es el de la atribución ; la interpretación que se ofrece en este trabajo los muestra como una estrategia persuasiva que relaciona los tres sistemas, actitud, gradación y compromiso, por cuanto su análisis muestra cómo la actitud del redactor sobre la proferencia o sobre el sujeto que la produce supone un mayor o menor grado de compromiso con ellos.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines450 - : The linguistic expression of appraisal in judicial decisions: A contrastive study in French and Spanish

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines582 - : This work intends to explore how certain process types in Spanish are related to the expression of appraisal in academic texts, our objective is to analyze verbal transitivity and evaluative aspects of student academic writing on history. Our study draws on Systemic Functional Linguistics and, in particular, on the Appraisal System, which explores evaluative meanings in language, here we shall analyze only one of its subsystems, attitude. The analysis is based on student texts belonging to two genres (question-answer and essay), but to only one discipline (history). Within the ideational analysis we explored three types of processes in academic texts: verbal, mental and relational while within the interpersonal framework we classified the clauses that express appraisal according to the three domains of the attitude system: affect, judgment and appreciation . The preliminary results show certain similarities between the two genres, for example, the prevalence of relational processes and the

Evaluando al candidato appraisal:

1) martin: 13
2) interpersonal: 9
5) resources: 8
7) evaluative: 6 (*)
9) texts: 5 (*)
10) systematically: 4
12) genres: 4 (*)
13) understanding: 4 (*)
14) textual: 4 (*)
15) discourse: 4 (*)
16) rose: 4
17) hood: 4
19) ‘juicio’: 3
20) meanings: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 137
Docs: 33
Nombre propio: 5 / 137 = 3%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 6
Puntaje: 6.894 = (6 + (1+6.24792751344359) / (1+7.10852445677817)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Ad Hoc Working Group for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature (1987). A proposal for more informative abstracts of clinical articles. Annals of Internal Medicine, 106, 598-604.
: Economou, D. (2009). Photos in the news: Appraisal of visual semiosis and visual verbal intersemiosis. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
: Fuoli, M. (2018). A step-wise method for annotating APPRAISAL. Functions of Language, 25(2), 1-27.
: Macken-Horarik, M. (2003). Appraisal and the special instructiveness of narrative. Text, 23(2), 285-312 ENT[en líneaENT]. Disponible en: [102]http://www.languageofevaluation.info/appraisal/textspecial/macken-horarik narrative.pdf
: Martin (2003), para referirse a nociones teóricas similares, emplea el término appraisal, que define del siguiente modo:
: Martin, J. & White, P. (2005). The language of evaluation, appraisal in English. Londres/Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan.
: Martin, J. (2000). Beyond Exchange: APPRAISAL Systems in English. Em S. Hunston & G. Thompson (Eds.), Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse (pp. 142-175). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
: Martin, J. R. & White, P. (2005). The language of evaluation. Appraisal in English. London: Palgrave.
: Martin, J. R. (2000). Beyond exchange: Appraisal systems in English. En S. Hunston & G. Thompson (Eds.), Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse (pp.142-175). Oxford: OUP.
: Martin, J. R. y White, P. (2005). The language of evaluation. Appraisal in English. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan.
: Martin, J.R. (2000). Beyond exchange: Appraisal systems in English. In S. Hunston & G. Thompson (Eds.), Evaluation in text: Authorial stance and the construction of discourse (pp. 142-175). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
: Pascual, M. & Unger, L. (2010). Appraisal in the research genres: An analysis of grant proposals by Argentinean researchers. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística , 43(73), 261-280.
: Read, J. & Carroll, J. (2012). Annotating expressions of Appraisal in English. Language Resources and Evaluation, 46, 421-447.
: Rees-Miller, J. (1993). A critical appraisal of leaner training: Theoretical bases and teaching implications. TESOL Quarterly, 27, 679-689 [en línea]. Disponible en: [363]http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3587401
: Rothery, J. & Stenglin, M. (2000). Interpreting literature: The role of APPRAISAL. En L. Unsworth (Ed.), Researching Language in Schools and Functional Linguistic Perspectives (pp. 222-244). Londres: Cassell.
: Swain, E. (2009). Constructing an Effective ‘Voice’ in Academic Discussion Writing: An Appraisal Theory Perspective. En A. McCabe, M. O’Donnell & R. Whittaker (Eds.), Advances in Language and Education (pp. 166-184). Londres: Continuum .
: Thompson, G. (2014). Affect and emotion, target-value mismatches, and Russian dolls: Refining the appraisal model. En G. Thompson & L. Alba-Juez (Eds.), Evaluation in Context (pp. 47-66). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins.
: White, P. (2002). Appraisal: The language of evaluation and stance. En J. Verschueren, J. Östman, J. Blommaert & C. Bulcaen (Eds.), The handbook of pragmatics (pp. 1-27). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
: White, P. R. R. (2003). Beyond modality and hedging: A dialogic view of the language of intersubjective stance. Text - Special Edition on Appraisal, 259-284.
: White, P. R. R. (2011). Appraisal. En J. Zienkowski, J. O. Östman & J. Verschueren (Eds.), Discursive pragmatics (pp. 14-36). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
: White, P.P.R. (2001). An introductory tour through Appraisal Theory [on line]. Retrieved from: [183]www.grammatics.com/Appraisal/AppraisalOutline/AppraisalOutline.doc
: White, P.P.R. (2002). Appraisal: The language of attitudinal evaluation and intersubjective stance [on line]. Retrieved from: [185]www.grammatics.com/Appraisal
: Xuanwei, P. (2008). Evaluative meanings in literary texts. The first step towards appraisal stylistics. En N. Nørgaard (Ed.), Systemic Functional Linguistics in Use Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication (pp. 665-684). Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.