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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) criteria (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: criteria

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines311 - : Within vertical discourse Bernstein makes a second distinction between hierarchical and horizontal knowledge structures. A hierarchical knowledge structure, exemplified by natural science disciplines, is "a coherent, explicit and systematically principled structure, hierarchically organised" which "attempts to create very general propositions and theories, which integrate knowledge at lower levels, and in this way shows underlying uniformities across an expanding range of apparently different phenomena" (Bernstein, 1999: 161-162). In contrast, a horizontal knowledge structure, exemplified by disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, is "a series of specialised languages with specialised modes of interrogation and criteria for the construction and circulation of texts" (Bernstein, 1999: 162 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines387 - : Abstract: Objective of present paper is to classify the comma uses focused in grammatical aspects and from a computational linguistic perspective is proposed. From this objective, some theoretical aspects based on grammatical criteria are showed, and the following classification of the comma functions are established: (i) indicator comma: it points enumerations and ellipsis, (ii) bounding comma: it delimits incidental clauses (appositions, vocatives, etcetera), and (iii) comma for disambiguation: it avoids confusion in expressions that could present more than a interpretation . Afterwards, a formalization and a computational implementation are made with the objective of getting a method of automatic detection for comma functions. In relation to the computational work, the software Smorph and Post Smorph Module (MPS) were used. Smorph analyzes the characters chain morphologically, giving an output with the morphological and categorical assignation for each occurrence according to the features

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines420 - : specific improvements have been signalled to optimise these aspects according to the principles of specialised pedagogical lexicography (Fuertes-Olivera & Arribas-Baño, 2008; Fuertes-Olivera, 2009) –so enriching in the teaching-learning process of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)– and to the criteria of prospective users: the students . Hence, this study aims at promoting learners’re-discovery of the electronic specialised dictionary as a useful learning and professional tool with the final objective of creating e lexicographical products that enhance the active and efficient use of dictionaries.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : the semantic and syntactic phenomena involved in each type of L1-constructions. Hence, we shall now present the enlarged set of criteria in the following list:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : The analysis of the alternating behaviour of the location argument has led us to propose the following inventory of L1-constructions in FunGramKB (as shown in [83]Table 2) that involve a change in the location argument taking into account the justifying criteria suggested so far:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines530 - : In line with ^[69]Barreneche and Ramos-Flores (2013) and ^[70]Bugel (2013), ^[71]Ebacher (2013) also encourages the adoption of a language classroom that welcomes and promotes student-community encounters that affords service-learning situations. Ebacher’s rationale resides in the role that these types of interactions play in the advancement of learners’ multicultural awareness, as cultural and linguistic knowledge is interconnected. ^[72]Ebacher (2013) particularly supports the establishment and maintenance of programs that follow ^[73]Howard’s (2007) tripartite criteria: relevant, meaningful, and purposeful . That is, spaces and tasks that: (1) improve the quality of life of the community members; (2) have an impact on both parties; and (3) promote civic involvement. More specifically, the learners involved in Ebacher’s study were required to attend orientations in order to get better acquainted with the members of the community that were in need of linguistic assistance. The students were

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines557 - : Criteria for the dictionarisation of neologisms: From theory to practice

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines579 - : The boundary markers and the markers/constructions with the initiating function were present in 91% of the lectures and thus proved most useful for the segmentation task. It should be noted that most frequently they appeared in combinations (e.g. OK. So,…; So let’s get started…), and that in 51 lectures they were preceded by a lengthy pause and in another 11 lectures by a filled pause (uhm, hm..). The lecture-initial markers were discounted, and as for determining which marker to use to mark the separation point (as sometimes several such markers appeared in the very lecture introduction), we applied two criteria: 1 . the existence of visual cues, which was useful in about 2/3 of the cases, 2. semantic criteria - the lecture introduction was considered to have ended after the topic announcement and/or contextualization, i.e. before the lecturer’s going into the content of the topic lectured on (typically, providing a definition of a key term, asking students whether they knew what it was,

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines592 - : Children were one hundred seventy-eight monolingual Spanish-speaking kindergarteners (96 were male and 82 female), from eight classes, in three state-funded schools located in low-income communities of Mendoza, Argentina (see [116]Table 1). Children met the following criteria: 1 ) they had no known history of neurological problems or hearing difficulties (parental report), 2) they had not learned to read (teacher report and pre-treatment data), 3) the majority of their parents had middle- to low-academic level (according to school records, the average years of school attendance of the parents were 15 years or less, equivalent to a high school diploma or less)-74% with low-academic level and 24% with middle-academic level, and 4) they were from middle (19%) or low (82%) socioeconomic status families (according to school records). The mean age of participating children in months, at pre-intervention, was M = 64.6 (SD = 4.30), and their mean reading level was M = 383.23 (SD = 5.27), which has a

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines592 - : Three schools were selected purposefully based on the following criteria: a ) neither grapheme nor phonemic instruction was introduced in the kindergarten class as part of the regular curriculum, and b) the majority of the children who attended were from low-income neighborhoods and low parental level of education. The experimental groups received a PA training program. Eight kindergarten teachers and their students (with school district and parental permission) from these schools voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. Four of them were assigned to the intervention condition (101 kindergarteners) and the other four to the control group (77 children) according to their availability. The control and the intervention groups were equivalent at pre-test on gender, level of parental education, socioeconomic status, and home literacy environment as revealed by X ^2 tests and on age, reading level, general cognitive ability, word reading, spelling, reading comprehension, letter name-sound

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines602 - : Finally, students had to select another country experiencing/dealing with the issue, find relevant sources, evaluate these and compare the issue in the two countries -this was the final assignment. For further detail on each assignment and evaluation criteria, please go to: https://englishpolyu .wixsite.com/renialopez/academic-writing.

Evaluando al candidato criteria:

2) comma: 6 (*)
8) ebacher: 4
9) reading: 4 (*)
12) parental: 4
13) objective: 4 (*)
14) specialised: 4 (*)
15) learners: 3 (*)
16) aspects: 3
18) bernstein: 3
19) smorph: 3
20) lectures: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 91
Docs: 55
Nombre propio: 1 / 91 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Puntaje: 5.850 = (5 + (1+5.39231742277876) / (1+6.52356195605701)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Bisenius, S., Neumann, J. & Schroeter, M. L. (2016). Validating new diagnostic imaging criteria for primary progressive aphasia via anatomical likelihood estimation meta-analyses. European Journal of Neurology, 23(4), 704-712.
: Dubois, B., Feldman, H. H., Jacova, C., Dekosky, S. T., Barberger-Gateau, P. & Cummings, J. (2007). Research criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: revising the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria. Lancet Neurology, 6, 734-746.
: Englund, B., Brun, A., Gustafson, L., Passant, U., Mann, D., Neary, D. & Snowden, J. S. (1994). Clinical and neuropathological criteria for frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 57(4), 416-8.
: Lakoff, G. (1972). Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts. En P. Peranteau, J. Levi & G. Phares (Eds.), Papers from the eighth regional meeting Chicago Linguistic Society (pp. 183-228). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
: Lakoff, G. (1972). Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts. Journal of Philosophical Logics, 2, 458-508.
: Parodi, G., Ibáñez, R. & Venegas, R. (2010). Discourse Genres in PUCV-2006 Corpus of Academic and Professional Spanish. Criteria, Definitions and Examples. En G. Parodi (Ed.), Discourse genres in Spanish: Academic and professional connections (pp. 37–63). Amsterdam: Benjamins.