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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) descriptive (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: descriptive

Is in goldstandard

paper CH_corpusRLAtxt238 - : Valin, R . (1990). Leçons de Linguistique de Gustave Guillaume, 1943-44. Esquisse d'une grammaire descriptive de la langue française II, Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval . [ [120]Links ]

paper CH_corpusRLAtxt188 - : The aim of this paper was to develop a methodological model for idiom meaning that could reflect the complex nature of these linguistic items. It has already been pointed out that the idiosyncrasy of idioms as phrases with a lexemic behavior can only be studied using a descriptive framework articulated around two levels of meaning: semantic and pragmatic . This conception is consistent with the dia-chronic evolution of idioms, the semantics of which results from integrating and conventionalizing initially pragmatic inferences.

paper CH_corpusSignostxt134 - : From a cognitive perspective, this article describes the reading comprehension strategies used by 5^th and 8^th graders when dealing with different types of written texts and the teaching practices used during the reading comprehension classes.This descriptive, exploratory study uses a quantitative and qualitative methodology as it was intended to discover: a ) the didactic forms and contents of teachers' everyday class practices and how they influence the reading comprehension skill, b) the strategies students activate when interacting with a written text and c) if there are differences in the ways of processing a written text between students from rural and urban schools. Once the quantitative data were analysed in both levels, no significant differences were found between the rural and urban areas. We hypothesise that students have no semantic-logical integrative strategies or that they are scarcely developed. This is apparently due to the fact that they view problems only in terms of

paper CH_corpusSignostxt400 - : All in all, Castel’s (2012) network approach constitutes an important contribution to the functional-cognitive treatment of meaning-form mappings, in general, and the Spanish clitic and verb-ending systems, in particular. However, this innovative approach presents at least four descriptive assumptions which can be improved in the quest for cognitive plausibility, namely: (i ) unidirectionality, (ii) node uniformity, (iii) syntactic slot-filling, and (iv) representational redundancy. These limitations may be overcome by adopting a conspicuous connectionist model. This paper builds upon Castel’s approach to provide a more explicit characterization of the functional- cognitive structure underlying both systems, from the perspective of Relational Network Theory (RNT) (Lamb, 1966, 1999; García & Gil, 2011a).

paper CH_corpusSignostxt474 - : The results of the descriptive analysis of the questionnaire are collected in [40]Table 1:

paper CH_corpusSignostxt192 - : The descriptive generalizations required to model the RAA are based on and validated by a sample of 700 research articles on the following disciplines or research fields: Linguistics, Climatology, Statistics, Ecology, Arid Zones, Glaciology, Architecture, Ruminants, Science Education, Psychiatry, Waste Water Engineering, Archaeology, Sociology, Genetics, Agriculture, Internal Medicine, Robotics and Geophysics .

paper CH_corpusSignostxt539 - : Dried-meats Descriptive Cards in Spanish and English: A Corpus Based Study of the Rhetoric Structure

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt212 - : Early interest by psychologists into the cognitive mechanisms involved in reading quickly flourished into a thriving field of cognitive and metacognitive studies in learning and reading comprehension so that in the last thirty years the field of reading comprehension studies in L1 and L2 has hosted researchers from psychology, sociology, and linguistics. Some of the first signs that point toward descriptive and explanatory research can be found in Flavell"s (1979) "Metacognition and Cognitive Monitoring: A New Area of Cognitive- Developmental Inquiry," in which he writes that "it will… be very important to try to discover the early competencies that serve as building blocks… rather than merely cataloguing… metacognitive lacks and inadequacies" and that "we also need to try to explain development in this area as well as describe it" (p . 909).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt212 - : By following some of the original designs behind the descriptive approach to reading strategies, we can track how the uncoupling of the means from the ends may have occurred. The means to which I allude are the acquisition and synthesis of information undertaken by researchers and the ends are those goals toward which we all strive: providing tools that will be useful to reading instructors and their students. We can assume that the terminology and classification systems that the descriptive trend has produced were directed at making sense of at least the following three areas: (1 ) The different kinds of MCRSs and their components; (2) Who is most likely to employ MCRSs and how much do they know about them beforehand; (3) Where they work[31]^5.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt110 - : From a descriptive standpoint, it was observed that the two speakers considered three different elements, namely: other people (you, people ), themselves (we, us), and their local context (many Colombian families) in the rationale of their project. C.V. employed different language forms in Spanish to show how kidnapping was part of our local reality -this problem has affected many Colombian families-; how the group wished that this situation would receive more attention -that we weren't insensitive/ careless about it-; and how this problem could affect anyone in Colombia -it could happen to us or to a close friend at any time-. C.V. also used repetition as a linguistic resource to emphasize the phrase "tomar consciencia" and the word "awareness", in English, as key concepts in his discourse.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt268 - : This was a descriptive case study that focused on an event or phenomenon (^[61]Stake, 1995) within a particular context (^[62]Yin, 1994): It analyzed and described how the social relations of a group of Colombian English language learners shaped or influenced their academic investment and identity construction in an EFL classroom . As a case study, it was a holistic description and analysis of a single situation (^[63]Merriam, 1998). It was descriptive in that it described in depth a particular event or case in a given context without manipulating the environment in a way that would alter the behavior and interaction of the participants. We observed and analyzed the focal classroom in its natural, normal conditions to later provide feasible solutions to improve the problems identified during the observation.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt56 - : Firstly, there is a descriptive (denotative) level where classrooms interactions are described in terms of turn-taking to explore how power is discursively allocated - in Baxter's (2003: 49 ) words 'to foreground and pinpoint the moment (or series of moments) when speakers negotiate their shifting subject positions'. Secondly, an interpretative (connotative) level or FPDA commentary is achieved based on the descriptive findings. Baxter (2003) conceives of alternative pathways in this level by engaging multiple voices and viewpoints. Contributing voices include not only the voices of research participants, but also the researchers' and the voices of those who have highlighted a feminist quest in localizable contexts of discursive practices. Viewpoints seek to make relevant those voices who have not been heard 'where competing discourses in a given setting seem to lead (temporarily) to more fixed patterns of dominant and subordinated subject positions', as Baxter (2003: 71) comments.

paper CO_CuadernosdeLingüísticaHispánicatxt12 - : Ce travail fait partie d'une recherche plus large, encadrée dans un projet PICT de l'Université Nacional de la Pampa, sur linguistique descriptive et typologique des langues indigènes de l'Argentine, avec un accentuation spéciale dans la région patagonique . La vie et l'œuvre de Bertha Koessler-Ilg se trouve liée au groupe de linguistes platenses; elle était une chercheuse allemande qui a collecté et étudié des traditions mapuches dès son arrivée à la Patagonie argentine en 1920, jusqu'à sa mort en 1962. Dans cet article on exemplifie la terminologie de phitonymes et des zoonymes en mapudungun suivis dans l'œuvre de la folkloriste allemande. Nous travaillons sur la morphologie des ternes de flore et faune, faisant une spéciale référence à la zone neuquine. On a conclu qu'il existe une motivation significative dans le vocabulaire ethnobiologique mapuche, car pour nommer les éléments de l'entourage naturel, les locuteurs de la langue utilisant, entre autres, des procédures de symbolisme s

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt168 - : All of the above configures an interesting panorama of contrasts, which we will try to describe in a comparative manner to identify what Green and Harker (1982) call "patterns of participation" in classes. We will use three descriptive criteria for this: (1 ) distribution of statements according to speaker (2) frequency of declarations in classes and (3) mean length of statements made by the teacher.

paper CO_Lenguajetxt137 - : Cet article expose le système d’alignement du cas dans la langue amérindienne wounan et la relation entre les marques casuelles et les rôles sémantiques, notamment dans le système pronominal. À partir d’un corpus collecté pendant divers travaux de terrain, et des catégories d’analyse de la grammaire descriptive et la typologie, on propose que le wounan présente des patrons d’alignement d’ergativité divisée, du type: ergatif/absolutif-expérimentateur . Le wounan présente une discordance entre quelques marques grammaticales de cas et les rôles sémantiques exprimés par celles-ci. Néanmoins, cette asymétrie entre forme et fonction n’est pas arbitraire, puisque les contextes syntaxiques et sémantiques qui déterminent l’interprétation claire des rôles sémantiques exprimés sont cohérents et systématiques.

paper CO_Íkalatxt32 - : L'objectif de la traductologie descriptive chez Toury (DTS: Descriptive Translation Studies ) est de décrire, d'expliquer et de prédire le fait traductif. Ces trois mouvements - description, explication et prédiction - alimentent une démarche traductive qui se veut réflexive. Une étape importante du travail proposé par Toury est l'élaboration d'une analyse comparée de l'œuvre source et du produit traduit.

paper CO_Íkalatxt42 - : The process in which the topics were identified appears to be heuristic or inductive and descriptive (Seliger and Shohamy, 1989:47 ) with an emphasis on unstructured class observations, with ''no preconceived or deductive notion'' of what to observe. Zeichner and Gore (1995) state that open class observations can help teachers to focus on broader social and cultural aspects of the schools. Given that Schuyler and Sitterley (1995:57) question whether action research ''leads naturally towards a focus on contexts'', PAs who are familiar with and interested in the school context can guide the PSTs in this direction. Zeichner and Gore (1995) further suggest that reading key school documents can be a starting point for observations and discussions. For teachers observing other teachers, Wajnryb (1992) proposes structured observation as a means to limit the focus of what teachers observe and make it easier for teachers to collect, analyze, and interpret data, which helps them to discuss and reflect

paper CO_Íkalatxt282 - : Les études sur l’utilisation des moocs en langues sont variées quant à leurs types et à leurs objectifs. Dans son étude descriptive sur l’utilisation du mooc pour enseigner les langues, ^[48]Sader Feghali (2016 ) a étudié les enjeux des moocs. Selon l’auteure, ces cours ne diffèrent pas d’autres outils et plateformes permettant d’apprendre une langue sans contraintes spatio-temporelles. Ils proposent des activités et des contenus diversifiés qui peuvent viser un enseignement de connaissances lexicales et grammaticales au moyen d’exercices de drills, ainsi que des compétences réceptives (compréhension orale et écrite) et/ou des compétences productives (production écrite) (^[49]Feghali, 2016). Bien que cette étude aborde les enjeux des lmooc sur les différents plans pédagogique, économique, technique, humain et institutionnel il ne prend pas en compte les usages concrets et les pratiques des apprenants lors de la réalisation d’une activité langagière. Dans la présente

paper CO_Íkalatxt333 - : After examining some of the most representative methodological proposals (Pym, 1998; ^[36]D’hulst, 2001; ^[37]Bastin, 2006), Tahir-Gürçağlar (2013, pp. 137-140) discusses the contribution of descriptive translation studies and of the “sociological turn” to historical research and identifies some methodological challenges that translation history should confront: (a ) periodization, (b) the overemphasis of institutional translation history and (c) the delimitation of history, i.e. “when is history?” (Tahir-Gürçağlar, 2013, p. 139).

paper CO_Íkalatxt294 - : Terms of Descriptive Grammar vis-à-vis terms of (Systemic Functional Grammar):

paper VE_Letrastxt115 - : Opposed theses are stated on two contributions of informatics to the knowledge and use of Spanish: term creation and text messaging. Also, we will describe the SMS morphosyntax and their prospective development as a fact of language. The research was carried out in three phases: bibliographical research, descriptive phase and explanatory phase, with two corpora: Spanish and Italian . Proposals for the apprehension of this phenomenon are presented with applications in the study of teenagers’ discourse. Validating exercises are shown in an attempt to demonstrate that both lexical creation and text messaging are an international and interlinguistic activity.

paper VE_Letrastxt115 - : Dans ce travail, se pose le problème de l’affrontement de thèses sur les deux apports de l’informatique à la connaissance et à l’usage de l’espagnol : Création de termes et envoi de SMS. De la même façon, on décrit la morphosyntaxe des SMS et leur prospective en tant qu’événement langagier. La recherche a été développée en trois phases : recherche bibliographique, descriptive et explicative, avec deux corpus : espagnol et italien . Des propositions sont formulées pour appréhender le phénomène comme événement langagier avec une application sur l’étude du discours de jeunes et d’adolescents. On montre des exercices de validité et on veut démontrer que la création lexicale et l’usage de SMS sont une activité internationale et inter linguistique.


Evaluando al candidato descriptive:

1) dans: 10
2) reading: 9 (*)
4) cognitive: 6 (*)
5) teachers: 6
6) comprehension: 5 (*)
7) voices: 5
9) langue: 4 (*)
10) strategies: 4
13) sont: 4
18) sémantiques: 4
19) context: 4
20) translation: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 550
Docs: 343
Nombre propio: 3 / 550 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Puntaje: 5.697 = (5 + (1+6.04439411935845) / (1+9.10590850857116)));
Rechazado: muy disperso;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
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: 11. Toury, G. (1995). Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: John Benjamins.
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: 16. Gregores, E. y Suárez, C. (1967). A Descriptive Grammar of Colloquial Guarani. La Haya: Mouton de Gruyter.
: 19. Goodman, R., Thacker, S. B. y Siegel, P. (2001). What’s in a title? A descriptive study of article titles in peer-reviewed medical journals. Science Editor, 24(3), 75-78.
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: 4. Janse,Mark y Sijmen Tol (eds.) 2003. Language death and languagemaintenance: Theoretical, practical and descriptive approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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: dimensions established in the project Fondecyt 1020786). In order to verify its descriptive potential, the matrix, based on these components, is applied in an exploratory way to a small set of texts.