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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) grammar (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: grammar

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines183 - : Lavid, J., Arús, J. & Zamorano, J. (2002). Developing a corpus-based generation grammar of Spanish: A contrastive study with English . En L. Iglesias & S. Doval (Eds.), Studies in contrastive linguistics (pp. 569-578). Santiago de Compostela: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. [ [92]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : Castel (2004) proposes a text grammar which (a) treats field properties as belonging to a stratum lower than the genre stratum but higher than the lexicogrammatical stratum, and (b) defines field preferences that alter semantic feature probabilities in SNRs. This text grammar associates, with each terminal genre feature, a pair made up of a selection expression headed by the feature [field_entity], and a linguistic structure as in Diagram 10, where SU is a variable ranging over syntactic units:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines230 - : Martin, J.R. (2000). Grammar meets genre: Refections on the Sydney school . Inaugural lecture, Sydney associate for the arts, USyd. [en línea]. Disponible en: [67]http://www2.ocn.ne.jp/~yamanobo/systemic_bibliography/other_systemists_work/inaugural_martin.html [ [68]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines277 - : Fawcett, R. (2007b). Modelling "selection" between referents in the English nominal group: An essay in scientific inquiry in linguistics. En C. Butler, R. Hidalgo Downing & J. Lavid (Eds.), Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: Papers In Honour of Angela Downing (pp . 165-204). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : "The grammar of a language as a resource for making and exchanging meanings. A functional grammar is therefore the kind of grammar most likely to have useful things to say to language learners and teachers" (Lock, 1996: 3 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines309 - : "We need to reanalyze virtually all of English grammar at the discourse level in order to be able to teach our students rules of grammar that will serve them when they read and write English for academic purposes" (Celce-Murcia, 2002: 156 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines353 - : “Some linguists have in fact thought that English is only lexically ergative. But this is not a tenable position once we realize that lexis and grammar are not separate modules or components, but merely zones within a continuum: ‘lexical ergativity’ in English is an extension in delicacy of ‘grammatical ergativity’ within the experiential clause of the grammar ; and the explanation for the evolution of ergative patterning in English is grammatical in the first instance is rather than lexical.” (IFG, 286).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines360 - : Leow, R. P. (2009a). Input enhancement and L2 grammatical development: What the research reveals. In S. L. Katz & J. Watzinger-Tharp (Eds.), Conceptions of L2 grammar: Theoretical approaches and their application in the L2 classroom (pp . 16-34). Boston, MA: Heinle Publishers. [ [57]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines415 - : “To sum up, the statistical grammar checker will fail to capture errors if the errors are not word combination problems or they involve problems of non-adjacent word strings or conflicts across different clause boundaries” (Chen, 2009: 175 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines416 - : In our formalism, a relation phrase is limited to be either a single verb (e.g., estudia ‘studies’) or a verb immediately followed by dependent words until a preposition (e.g., atrae la atención de ‘attracts attention of’ or nació en ‘was born in’) optionally followed by infinitive (e.g., sirven bien para acentuar ‘serve well to emphasize’). The corresponding formal grammar expression for a verb phrase is:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines416 - : Another rule of our formal grammar describes noun phrases:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines416 - : To extend the coverage of our grammar, we use a rule for coordinating conjunctions:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines452 - : Ferris, D. (1999). The case for grammar correction in L2 writing classes: A response to Truscott (1996 ). Journal of Second Language Writing, 8, 1-10. [ [144]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines472 - : * Oxford Dictionaries, Thesaurus & Grammar ([145]http://www .oxforddictionaries.com/)

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : In the parsing process of transforming language fragments into their equivalent semantic and grammatical structure, ARTEMIS will elaborate the constructional rules through the Grammar Development Environment by withdrawing information from the Lexicon and the Grammaticon, and this will result in the automatic generation of the CLS (^[57]Mairal & Periñán-Pascual, 2016). The CLS constructor, which is one of the three components which conforms ARTEMIS (together with the COREL-Scheme Builder and the Grammar Development Environment), is an enriched and extended text meaning representation operating on the linguistic level that takes RRG logical structures as a basis and includes the following type of information: the Aktionsart ascription represented by operators such as CACC for causative accomplishment in the locative construction displayed in [58]Figure 2 (‘He spread her toast with butter’ ); the number of constructional variables of the predicate (for instance, x, w, p in the same example)

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : Of the different modules that constitute FunGramKB, it is the Lexicon and the Grammaticon that we will be focusing on in this research study. We will be specifically revising one of the attributes in the core grammar component in the Lexicon which has to do with the inventory of argumental constructions in which verbs can take part: L1- constructions .^[63]^5 The notion of construction, which is directly linked to the Grammaticon module (where constructional schemata are stored in different Constructicon modules), needs to be clearly and unequivocally defined in FunGramKB, as Periñán-Pascual himself highlights: “A key issue in this module [Grammaticon] is the definition of ‘construction’” (Periñán-Pascual, 2013: 213).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : ^[64]Periñán-Pascual (2013) points out that Goldberg’s broad conception of construction in Construction Grammar (CxG) makes it difficult to provide an accurate definition of the term since from her point of view any single lexical item (or even a suffix such as -ed) could be conceived as a construction: “all levels of grammatical analysis involve constructions” (Goldberg, 2006: 5 ). This implies that, within this broad definition, constructions are conceived as the building blocks in linguistic realization. Periñán-Pascual’s conception of construction differs from CxG and is closer to the LCM in the sense that constructions are viewed from a holistic perspective in which the meaning of the construction is always larger than the meaning of the building blocks conforming it. What is more, Periñán-Pascual (2013) shares ^[65]Ruiz de Mendoza-Ibáñez’s (2013) claim that for any linguistic pattern to be regarded as a construction some essential properties have to be met. Thus, the following criteria

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : Bergen, B. K. & Chang, N. (2005). Embodied construction grammar in simulation-based language understanding. In J. Östman & M. Fried (Eds.), Construction grammars: Cognitive groundings and theoretical extensions (Constructional approaches to language 3 ) (pp. 147-190). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ [99]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines534 - : The positive perception held by EFL learners, including our future teachers, of poetry as a potential facilitator of grammar and vocabulary acquisition challenges two of the arguments most frequently put forward by critics of the use of poetry in EFL. These include, firstly, its detrimental effect on the development of language skills based on poetry's lexical difficulty, and secondly the deviation which poetic language entails from the conventions and rules underlying standard discourse (^[103]Lima, 2010). Surprisingly, the two benefits most widely highlighted by authors when advocating the use of poetry as a means of developing grammar and vocabulary, its memorability (^[104]Lazar, 1990) and the creativity of literary texts in contrast to the “bland correctness of specially written ESL textbooks” (^[105]Boggs, 1997: 64 ), were not mentioned by our informants perhaps due to their lack of an in-depth understanding of the stylistic features of poetic discourse.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines577 - : Grammar features and discourse style in digital genres: The case of science-focused crowdfunding projects

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines577 - : VPs with copula be are generally followed by an embedded to-infinitive complement clause. Often, these clauses contain further clausal embedding, thus reflecting structural elaboration at the level of grammar:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines577 - : In response to RQ1: ‘What grammatical features characterise the genre of crowdfunding project proposals and what are the functions of these features in communicating meaning?’, the findings of the present study indicate that these proposals rely heavily on the use of phrasal patterns, being noun phrases the most frequent phrase type (almost half of all phrase types coded in the corpus). The fact that both the online and the expanded texts of the proposals were built upon “more nominal than verbal” patterns (^[110]Biber & Gray, 2010) suggests that nouns are core linguistic features in this genre. The presence of nouns, an “especially common grammar feature in academic prose” (^[111]Biber & Gray, 2016: 318 ), indicates that one function of nominal patterns is to provide information about the science being crowdfunded. As a further exploration, the constructs of tokens, types and type-token ratio (TTR) of each of the proposals ([112]Table 1), and the average means of these constructs in the

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines601 - : However, the BICS/CALP dichotomy does not provide a full account of academic language. Instead, CALP arbitrates its own form and shape in each discipline. In other words, the knowledge structures of every academic discipline (mathematics, biology, history, etc.) display their specific language representations (^[30]Shanahan & Shanahan, 2008). Each field triggers particular language structures (not only lexicon) which mould a disciplinary language of its own. Equation, distribution and similarity are mathematical notions. Revolution, agreement or corroboration (fact-checking) have special significations in history. Each discipline constitutes its own properties and produces peculiar disciplinary genres (see ^[31]Biber, 1992; ^[32]Lorenzo, 2013). Peculiarities can be traced down to levels below the sentence. In history, the abundance of causal relations is accompanied by particular grammar and syntax structures: ambiguous use of conjunctions, nominalisations, implicit causal and temporal

Evaluando al candidato grammar:

3) periñán-pascual: 6
5) linguistic: 5 (*)
6) grammatical: 5 (*)
9) proposals: 4 (*)
11) phrase: 4 (*)
12) structures: 4
14) constructions: 4 (*)
15) constructional: 4 (*)
17) feature: 4
18) academic: 4
19) poetry: 4
20) lexicon: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 521
Docs: 158
Nombre propio: 6 / 521 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 7
Puntaje: 7.671 = (7 + (1+5.7279204545632) / (1+9.02790599656988)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
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: Arús, J. & Lavid, J. (2001). The grammar of relational processes in English and Spanish: Implications for machine-aided translation and multilingual generation. Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense, 9, 61-79.
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