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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) managing (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: managing

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : Team-building as a concept has appeared relatively recently in Romanian workplace culture. Events such as Christmas parties or going on trips with workmates were highly improbable twenty years ago. Still, both the concept and the events seem to have become popular and prove worthwhile activities in any organization. A core of written texts has emerged from the necessity of managing such activities: announcements, invitations, and programs .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines396 - : In this research, the metaphor-based theoretical views on managing projects will be contrasted with the real language use in the project management discipline. Even though the use of metaphor in project management has not attracted much attention from scholars and practitioners, two papers (Angling, 1988; Eskerod, 1996) proposed specific metaphors to better understand and manage projects in multi-project environments. The metaphor of the Chinese wall and the metaphor of the Chinese dragon focus on contrasting aspects of managing projects: the former highlights order and predictability, while the latter, constant change and dynamism . These two opposing conceptualizations of projects provide different views on project management practices, and may have implications for business management, as well as for linguistic representation in discourse.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines396 - : The discipline of project management deals with directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life cycle of a given project using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality, and participant satisfaction (PMI Standards Committee, 2008). A project is a temporary endeavour with a clearly defined goal. Unlike routine management activities continually carried out by organizations, managing a project implies undertaking new tasks, never attempted in the past and not likely to be repeated in the future (Kerzner, 2004 ). These features make a project unique to a company, and convert it in a risky undertaking. Projects “aim to accelerate the normal rate of change” in organizations by being the main source of competitive advantage (Nokes & Kelly, 2007: 17). For this reason, and because they also allow for a more efficient use of resources and lower costs, projects are becoming increasingly vital for companies’ survival.

Evaluando al candidato managing:

2) management: 7
3) projects: 6
4) metaphor: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 25
Docs: 12
Nombre propio: / 25 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.892 = (1 + (1+4.08746284125034) / (1+4.70043971814109)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Hood, S. (2004b). Managing attitude in undergraduate academic writing: A focus on the introductions to research reports. En L. Ravelli & R. Ellis (Eds.), Analysing academic writing: Contextualised frameworks (pp. 24–44). London: Continuum.
: Hovy, E. H. & Wanner, L. (1996). Managing Sentence Planning Requirements. Ponencia presentada en el Workshop on New Directions in Planning and Natural Language Generation at the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hungría.
: Ilie, C. (2010b). Managing dissent and interpersonal relations in the Romanian Parliamentary Discourse.In C. Ilie (Ed.), European Parliaments under Scrutiny (pp. 193-223). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Jefferson, G. & Lee, J. R. E. (1981). The rejection of advice: Managing the problematic convergence of a troubles-telling and a service encounter. Journal of Pragmatics, 5(5), 399-422. [164]https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-2166(81)90026-6
: Mayer, R. (2009). The next phase in multimedia learning. En S. Kalyuga (Ed.) Managing cognitive load in adaptive multimedia learning (pp. 10-12). Nueva York: Information Science Reference.
: Roman, D. D. (1986). Managing Projects: A Systems Approach. New York: Elsevier Science.
: Shaw, C. & Hepburn, A. (2013). Managing the Moral Implications of Advice in Informal Interaction. Research on Langauge and Social Interaction, 46(4), 344-362.