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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) philology (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: philology

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt25 - : This format was proposed by Professors Ligia Cortés, María Claudia Nieto, Véronique Bellanger, Melba Libia Cárdenas, Antje Rüger, as part of the research project "Case-study: Monograph projects by pre-service teachers of the Philology and Languages Programme (English, French, German) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia from 2000 to 2003: Analysis and perspectives", 2005 . With the collaboration of Yudiht Martín (research assistant) and students from the Monograph Seminars of German II and Classroom Research II, first semester 2004.

paper UY_ALFALtxt182 - : Hammarström, Göran. 1962. Review of José Gonçalo Herculano de Carvalho 1958. Fonologia mirandesa, Romance Philology 15: 350-356 . [ [222]Links ]

paper corpusRLAtxt114 - : Pérez Basanta, C. (2005). Assessing the receptive vocabulary of Spanish students of English philology: An empirical investigation . En J.L. Martínez Dueñas, N. McLaren, C. Pérez Basanta y L. Quereda Rodríguez-Navarro (eds.), Towards an understanding of the English language: past, present and future. Studies in honour of Fernando Serrano (pp. 1-21). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada. [ [48]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato philology:

Lengua: eng
Frec: 66
Docs: 54
Nombre propio: 2 / 66 = 3%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.142 = ( + (1+0) / (1+6.06608919045777)));
Rechazado: mal tf-df: 122;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Algeo, James E. (1973). The concessive conjunction in Medieval Spanish and Portuguese; its function and development. Romance Philology, 26 (3), 532-543.
: Bathia, V. (1997). Genre analysys today. Revue belge de philology e d'historie, 75(3), 629-652.
: Butt, M., & Ramchand, G. (2001). Complex Aspectual Structure in Hindi/Urdu. En M. LIakata, B. Jensen, & D. Maillat (eds.), Working Papers in Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics (vol. 6, pp. 1-30). Oxford: University of Oxford.
: Company, C. (1991). La extensión del artículo en el español medieval. Romance Philology, 44(4), 402-424.
: Craddock, Jerry. (2013). The Cibola Project: A Brief Historical Account. Romance Philology. 67(2), pp. 247-257.
: Fleischman S. (1990). Philology, linguistics, and the discourse of the medieval text, Speculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: Fontanella de Weinberg, B. (1973). Comportamiento ante -s de hablantes femeninos y masculinos del español bonaerense. Romance Philology, 27, 50-58.
: Frago, Juan Antonio (2007), “Tradición e innovación en el español americano de la Independencia”, Romance Philology, 61/2, pp. 147-191.
: Harris-Northall, R. (1996). Printed books and linguistic standardization in Spain: The 1503 Gran Conquista de Ultramar. Romance Philology 50(2), (pp. 123-146).
: Ibarretxe-Antuaño, I. (2012). Linguistic typology in motion events: Path and manner. In: Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca 'Julio de Urquijo'. International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology.
: Kennedy, G. (1975). The present state of the study of ancient rhetoric. Classical Philology, 70, 278-282.
: Lamb, S. M. (1966c). Epilegomena to a theory of language”. Romance Philology, 19, 531-573.
: Lida de Malkiel, María Rosa 1950 "Tres notas sobre don Juan Manuel". Romance Philology. 42, 3, 155-194.
: Lockhart, James. 1991 Nahuas and Spaniards: postconquest central Mexican history and philology. California: Stanford University press.
: Malkiel, Y. (1971), “Derivational Transparency as an Occasional Co-Determinant of Sound Change. A New Causal Ingredient in the Distribution of -ç- and -z- in Ancient Hispano-Romance”, Romance Philology, XXV:1, pp. 1-52.
: Nieto, R. (2011). The Role of Conversation Maxims, Implicature and Presupposition in the Creation of Humor: An Analysis of Woody Allen's Anything Else. (Trabajo de grado de maestría no publicado). UCM: Department of English Philology.
: Nykl, A. R. 1928. "[Reseña de Lenz,] El papiamento", en The American Journal of Philology 49:4, pp. 399-401.
: Timm, L. A. (1975). Spanish-English Codeswitching: el porqué y How-not to. Romance Philology, 28, 473-482.
: Zipf, G. K. & Rogers, F. M. (1939). Phonemes and Variphones in four present-day Romance Languages and Classical Latin from the viewpoint of dynamic Philology. Archives Néerlandaises de Phonétique Expérimentale, 15, 111-147.
: [70]Pierris, Marta de. 1977. El preludio del voseo en el español medieval, Romance Philology, 31: 235-243.