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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) realization (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: realization

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : CLG rules are organized into two components: the semantic component and the form component. The semantic component contains two different subtypes complying with the implication (4i): system network rules (SNRs), and same pass preference resetting rules (SPRs). The form component contains three subtypes of realization rule (RR) which also comply with (4i): realization rules proper and graphological rules^[29]5 . The set of all CLG rules allow for the generation of linguistic representations like Diagram 3. Let us now elaborate on the distinctive traits of each subtype.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : The approach was illustrated with descriptive results of the RedACTe Project, particularly, with generalizations about the LGP associated with the terminal genre category [research announcement] as proposed in Hlavacka (2004). There are two main subtypes of cognitive processes involved in the realization of this genre category: the examine subtype and the discuss subtype (cf . §3.2). The choice of one or the other depends on the research announcement orientation that the researcher-writer wishes to adopt in writing this RAA text location. These two subtypes, furthermore, interact in interesting ways with decisions related to whether to make explicit or not the orientation adopted. Thus, if an explicit research-oriented announcement is chosen, the writer is algorithmically assisted to choose either hiding himself behind the research (in which case the research will end up as the Agent of a cognitive process of the examine subtype), or competing with the research in the participant role

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : "The context of culture (genre) should be seen as a more general and more abstract plan than the context of situation (register). As a consequence, while a genre is instantiated through language, this realization is mediated through the realization of the register" (Vian Jr & Lima-Lopes, 2005: 35 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : Second, the RNT model is more explicit in its discrimination of different connection types. The nodes and connections in Castel’s (2012) specify that a representation A is linked to a representation B, but no further connectivity details are offered. Instead, the RNT network explicitly captures the fact that the Spanish clitic and verb-ending systems involve varied types of connections, as detailed above. While Castel’s (2012) approach does recognize the existence of different relationships among strata, these are specified only in the realization rules underlying the network (Castel, 2012 ), but they are not visible in the network per se. In this sense, the RNT network seems superior in satisfying the requirement of visual explicitness.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : lexicogrammatical representation were actually connected to its own redundant representation in the semantic system, there would be no reason to postulate a separate semantic stratum in the first place. The very idea of realization (a cornerstone of the two approaches discussed in this paper) seeks to reflect two aspects of language structure: (i ) the fact that one and the same constellation of semantic features may be expressed, at least partially, through different lexicogrammatical units; and (ii) the fact the different constellations of semantic features may be expressed by the same lexicogrammatical unit.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines453 - : * - Morphosyntactic realization: z = adverbial phrase (ADVP )

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines594 - : Over time in the first semester, the students’ alignment with the SFL-based perspective on writing increased through their writing practices, where they experienced the analytic power of deconstructing texts and realized the usefulness of SFL in helping them improve their writing by making them focus on matters beyond what they had been taught to value (i.e., grammar). In other words, the students gained a more in-depth understanding of English discourse in general. For example, Elizabeth had the following realization after she deconstructed a sample essay in the expository writing class:

Evaluando al candidato realization:

2) semantic: 6 (*)
6) genre: 4 (*)
7) subtypes: 4
8) representation: 4 (*)
9) component: 3
11) subtype: 3
12) lexicogrammatical: 3
13) castel: 3
14) explicit: 3
16) announcement: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 43
Docs: 21
Nombre propio: / 43 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 3
Puntaje: 3.961 = (3 + (1+5.20945336562895) / (1+5.4594316186373)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Del Campo, N. (2013). Illocutionary constructions in English: Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization. Bern: Peter Lang.
: Fawcett, R., Tucker, G. & Lin, Y. (1993). How a systemic functional grammar works: The role of realization in realization. In H. Horacek & M. Zock (Eds.), New concepts in natural language generation (pp. 114-86). London: Pinter.
: Forey, G. (2008). Projecting clauses: Interpersonal realization of control and power in workplace texts. En G. Forey & G. Thompson (Eds.), Text type and texture (pp. 151-172). Londres: Equinox.
: Moyano, E. I. (2016). Theme in English and Spanish: Different means of realization for the same textual function. En B. Clark & J. Arús (Eds.), Special Issue on Communicative Dynamism, English Text Construction, 9(1), 190-220.
: Ruiz de Mendoza, F. & Baicchi, A. (2007). Illocutionary constructions: Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization. In I. Kecskes & L. Horn (Eds.), Explorations in pragmatics: Linguistic, cognitive, and intercultural aspects (pp. 95-128). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
: Zhou F., Zhang, F. & Yang, B. (2010). Graph-based text representation model and its realization. Ponencia presentada en el International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Beijing, China.