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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) semantics (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: semantics

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt71 - : When dealing with semantic analysis, the researcher can proceed from different angles and perspectives, such as from the level of the word to more complex units of analysis in semantics: the sentence, utterance, proposition and text .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt144 - : Semantics studies word content which can be types, occurrences, and textual and non-textual signs, and defines as a sub-discipline of semiotics. The literary text is a group of textual signs to which the semantic analysis is of paramount importance if the analyst can establish a network of relations between terms and settles on a more or less one meaning. Todorov (1981) argues that semantics of literature is concerned with two main questions: "how does a text signify ? [and] what does a text signify?" (p.16). The former is the concern of linguistic semantics while the second of substantial semantics (Todorov, 1981). Linguistic semantics studies the compositionality aspect of the word and is more concerned with literal meaning. Substantial semantics, however, studies the variable distance between the signifier and signified and tries to establish semantic relations despite the indeterminacies of signs in the text.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt144 - : Literary meaning does not hold the principle of necessary and sufficient conditions mainly because its lexical attribution is made restricted by the writer and the cognitive link between the signifier and signified is undetermined by the formal reading since words relate to each other in an order not delivered by their referents in the text. Just to illustrate and relate this to feature semantics, the following verses from Cummings' poetry show that there is no necessary and thus sufficient condition relating meaning of at least two words:


paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt260 - : This postposition means 'in the proximity of, close to'. In the example 5a, the transitive verb resulting from a causativization has subject and direct object, both represented in the nucleus of the verbal predication. The PP headed by «teg̃» does not have an argument function, as it is an adjunct, even though the semantics of the verb foresees a place to where the object will be taken:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt14 - : Carston, R. The semantics -Pragmatics distinction: a view from relevance theory . University College London. Págs 1- 43 [ [41]Links ]

paper CO_Lenguajetxt122 - : Ullmann, S. (1976). Semántica, introducción a la ciencia del significado (Trad. J. Aguilar). Madrid: Aguilar S.A. Ediciones. (Traducción de Semantics: An introduction to the science of meaning, 1962, Oxford: Blackwell ). [ [107]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt49 - : This contribution focuses on structured content at the level of lexical semantics, such as:

paper CO_Íkalatxt49 - : In this connection, interoperability needs to be seen through the eyes of content - not only through the glasses of content management systems.Then it can be recognized that content interoperability goes beyond the concept of semantic interoperability, as it is generally seen. Content interoperability is the capability of content items/ entities (i.e. structured content at the level of lexical semantics) to be:

paper VE_BoletindeLinguisticatxt58 - : In Spanish, duplicated verb constructions are very common. In terms of its morphosyntactic codification, the duplicated verb appears in four different forms: with an auxiliary verb, without an auxiliary verb, with a plain inflected verb, and with an adverbial function. In terms of its semantics, this verbal form expresses two basic senses: iteration and emphasis . In the former, the duplicated verb denotes that a specific state of affairs, in certain linguistic contexts, is realized more than once in an undetermined way (except for states). In the latter, and within other linguistic circumstances, the duplicated verb carries only an emphatic value.


paper corpusRLAtxt173 - : Hino, Yasushi; Lupker, Stephen J. y Pexman, Penny M. (2002). Ambiguity and Synonymy Effects in Lexical Decision, Naming, and Semantic Categorization Task: Interactions Between Ortography, Phonology, and Semantics, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 28 .4, 686-713. [ [91]Links ]

paper corpusRLAtxt188 - : [66]Figure 1 graphically illustrates the componential representation of idiom semantics:

paper corpusSignostxt453 - : ^3Because RRG is a monostratal theory, syntax and semantics are directly linked without abstract syntactic representations or deep structures. In RRG, there is only one level of representation from the semantic representation of a clause or logical structure to the actual order of constituents. Thus, the theory poses a linking algorithm that contains a number of principles that “illustrate the workings of the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface” (^[169]Van Valin, 2005: 128 ). One of the distinguishing properties of the RRG linking algorithm is the fact that it is bidirectional, that is, it connects the semantic and syntactic representations as well as the syntactic and semantic representations.

paper corpusSignostxt336 - : There are cases in which a given lexical function represents one elementary meaning, as Oper, Func, Real, for which we have explained their meanings and listed examples. More functions representing elementary meanings have been discovered: Labor (Lat. laborare, to work, toil), Incep (Lat. incipere, to begin), Cont (Lat. continuare, to continue), Fin (Lat. finire, to cease), Caus (Lat. causare, to cause), Perm (Lat. permittere, to permit), Liqu (Lat. liquidare, to liquidate), etc. But there are still more cases when the verb’s semantic content in verb-noun collocations is complex and includes several elementary meanings. For example, consider the semantics of ‘begin to realize an action or begin to manifest an attribute’ from [31]Table 2, which consists of two elements:‘begin’ and ‘realize / manifest’ .To represent such compound meanings, complex lexical functions are used, those being combinations of elementary lexical functions, termed ‘simple lexical functions’. All lexical functions

paper corpusSignostxt319 - : We have seen that several researchers have tried to account for ser and estar based on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic approaches. This just shows how complex it is to characterize the behavior of the two Spanish copulas. Leaving aside the controversial topic of whether the relevant distinctions are encoded in the syntax, the semantics, the pragmatics of either, the copulas or the whole predication, most of the influential proposals seem to converge on the following general picture: Predicates with ser and estar give rise to different interpretations: ser predicates are generally (but not necessarily ) associated with properties that are perceived to last, to be permanent, to be inherent while estar predicates are commonly (but not always) associated with properties that are perceived as temporary, non-inherent and easy to change. Thus, most analyses agree that ser predicates are more relaxed than estar predicates in temporal terms. Importantly, ser is seen as disconnected from the

paper corpusSignostxt319 - : What exactly is the source of the difference between ser and estar is far from settled. According to Kratzer´s (1995) and Diesing´s (1992) proposals, in which ser and estar are assumed to be the lexical exponents of IL/SL predicates, the source of the difference is the presence/absence of a spatiotemporal argument. For Arche (2007), whose analysis also views ser and estar as the lexical exponents of the IL/SL distinction, ser and estar do not differ with respect to the spatiotemporal arguments they project (since both project spatiotemporal arguments) but rather on their lexical semantics: the linking nature of estar to a specific context is lexically encoded . For Maienborn (2003, 2005) the difference between ser and estar is only pragmatic while ser and estar have identical semantics. For Schmitt (1992, 1996, 2005) and Luján (1981), the difference lies in the aspectual properties of the predicates involving ser and estar. For Clements (2005) it is essential to consider not only the

paper corpusSignostxt201 - : Adele Goldberg, precursora y pionera de la gramática de las construcciones (Goldberg, 1995) aporta al volumen el innovador trabajo titulado Constructions, lexical semantics, and the correspondence principle: Accounting for generalizations and subregularities in the realization of arguments . El artículo introduce la tercera parte del libro denominada Lexical restrictions on syntax. La autora critica las investigaciones que tienden a proporcionar principios generalizadores para dar cuenta de algunas tendencias generales en la realización de los argumentos. En el capítulo, se defiende una revaloración del papel de las construcciones y de factores discursivos en dicha realización, de forma que las generalizaciones propuestas se vuelvan más adecuadas y productivas para predecir no solo el comportamiento de la realización argumental, sino también las distintas excepciones en ella.

paper corpusSignostxt309 - : "We were not ready for him. We had something of a grammar but we had no semantics. We had hardly a clear concept even of semantics as a stratum within the organization of language, that came partly that Bernstein was making our own work" (Halliday & Hasan, 2006: 21 ). (Véase Bernstein (1973) para una revisión de los conceptos sobre el lenguaje como socialización).

paper corpusSignostxt313 - : In an analysis carried out in the early 1980's regarding the linguistic behaviour of Romanian speakers, Pietreanu (1984) noticed that using salutation formulas was not only a matter of individual freedom, but also a matter of adhering to the norms of behaviour that exist in a particular linguistic community at a certain moment. What is more, salutation formulas must take into account "the specific semantics of the situations in which a formula is actually used" (Pietreanu, 1984: 24 ). As a speech act, a greeting is defined as "communicative behaviour, either gestural or verbal (or both), that has a certain significance for a social micro- or macro-group, by means of which attention is paid, respect or politeness is shown to a person or to a group" (Pietreanu, 1984: 29).

paper corpusSignostxt510 - : A partir de una concepción eminentemente generativa y, por tanto, computacional del lenguaje natural, la Teoría del Lexicón Generativo, desarrollada por ^[64]Pustejovsky en diversos trabajos (1991, ^[65]1995, ^[66]1998, ^[67]2013), reacciona contra el estatismo de las teorías semánticas al uso a mediados del siglo xx, en tanto que aboga por la naturaleza dinámica del lenguaje; en este sentido: “The difficulty here for semantics and computational lexicons is that word sense enumeration cannot characterize all the possible meanings of the lexical item in the lexicon” (^[68]Pustejovsky, 1998: 46 ; ^[69]Piera, 2009; ^[70]Pustejovsky, Bouillon, Isahara, Kanzaki & Lee, 2013).

paper corpusSignostxt510 - : “If the denotation of one sense of a lexical item is "dependent" on another, then that dependency is part of the semantic representation of that lexical item. A familiar example is father or mother, where the relational nature must be part of the semantics of the noun” (^[132]Pustejovsky & Anick, 1988: 519 ).

paper corpusSignostxt510 - : ^3No debe olvidarse, pues, que “The generative approach to lexical semantics derives its name from the use of generative devices instead of a fixed set of primitives. Much of the theory consists of structuring and integrating a number of well-known proposals on specific topics in lexical semantics and knowledge representation into one coherent theory” (Heylen, 1995: 129 ). Vid. De Miguel (2012, 2014) para un panorama actual sobre algunos proyectos lexicológicos en marcha.

Evaluando al candidato semantics:

1) lexical: 19 (*)
3) verb: 10 (*)
5) lat.: 7
6) predicates: 7 (*)
7) linguistic: 6 (*)
8) representation: 5 (*)
10) interoperability: 4
13) duplicated: 4
17) pustejovsky: 4
19) elementary: 4 (*)
20) syntactic: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 688
Docs: 348
Nombre propio: 2 / 688 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 7
Puntaje: 7.693 = (7 + (1+6.22881869049588) / (1+9.42836017270429)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: ------; y Kratzer, A. (1998). Semantics in generative grammar. London: Wiley.
: 1. Asher, N. & Sablayrolles, P. (1994). A Typology and Discourse semantics for Motion Verbs and Spatial PPs in French. Journal of Semantics, 12. Pp. 163 - 209.
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: 11.Lyons, John. 1977. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: 14. Fillmore, C. J. (1985). Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semántica. 6 (2): 222-254.
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: Fillmore, C. J. (1982). Frame semantics. En Linguistic Society of Korea (Ed.), Linguistics in the morning calm: Selected papers from SICOL-1981 (pp. 111-137). Seúl: Hanshin.
: Fillmore, C. J. (1985). Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semantica, 6, 222-254.
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