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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) standard (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: standard

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt318 - : When revisiting Quirk (1990) and standard English, he also asserts that "the implications for foreign language teaching are clear: the need for native speaker support and the need for non-native teachers to be in constant touch with the native language" (as cited in Bolton, 2006, p .251). Here, we see some support for NNES teachers, but only on behalf of native-speaker support and native-speaker English as the model. Quirk basically claims that NNES teachers are just fine, as long as there is a NES at their side. Conversely, there has not been much literature dedicated to what the NNES teacher can bring to the table that NES teachers cannot. As a way of illustration, it is not rare that a NES teacher is not familiar with the L1 of his or her students. If we are constantly concerned with the needs of our students and the context in which we teach, wouldn't the native language of our students play an immense role in our teaching? Widdowson (2003) shares his opinion on the matter:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt187 - : As mentioned above, in this study I set out to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of the recording and self-transcription task (Lynch, 2001, 2007; Mennim, 2003, 2012) as a route to noticing the gap and defossilization. Although I use some quantitative measures (mean, standard deviation), the research is essentially qualitative: (1 ) it is a multiple case study (20 students enrolled in an ELT education program at PUCV), so the results are not generalizable, and (2) it explores the participants' perceptions as to the impact of self-transcribing tasks. In the sense that the present study is the first phase of a planned future intervention as a response to a specific problem (fossilization), and the evaluation of that intervention, this study could also be said to fall under an action research paradigm (Boettinger, Park, & Timmis, 2010).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt9 - : Messick, S. (1996a) Standards-based Score Interpretation: Establishing Valid Grounds for Valid Inferences . Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Standard Setting for Large Scale Assessments, Sponsored by National Assessment Governing Board and the national Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. [ [48]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt85 - : b. Lack of language achievement standards: It was not until recently, when some sort of measuring standard was needed to justify the major investments in teacher training provided by the Ministry of Education, that the need for an international standard reference was required to assess the language proficiency of teachers and students . Even though there might be some natural differences across training programs, there is consensus in the professional field as to the concept of proficiency, associated primarily to that of English as an international language (Pennycook, 1994; Mackay, 2003; Sharifian, 2009).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt130 - : By knowing how much scores vary from the mean on average, we can evaluate the degree to which a distribution is normal or whether it is skewed or not. A normally-distributed test whose mean is centered at 50% will have sufficient "room" for approximately three standard deviations on either side of the mean; this range of plus or minus three standard deviations accounts for 99.72% of the scores in a normal distribution. A distribution which does not have room for three standard deviations above the mean is negatively skewed, whereas a distribution which does not have room for three standards deviations below the mean is positively skewed. Furthermore, standard deviation is a tool for identifying the outlying scores within the data set: scores at a distance of more than three standard deviations from the mean are considered to be outliers as they are outside of the margin of 99 .72% of the data points.

paper CO_Íkalatxt127 - : We see from[41] table 8 that the RP and naturalistic interactions were similar in length (RP: 26.59; ND: 26.26). However, looking at the standard deviations, we observe that the naturalistic data was more variable (ND: 20 .09; RP: 10. 41). This greater variability indicates that some of the interactions were short and others long. This difference in length of the naturalistic interactions may come from the inclusion of non-transactional talk in some of the exchanges. In fact, there were five different episodes of non-transactional talk in the naturalistic interactions, while there was none in the RP. Example (25) includes the presence of non-transactional talk in a natural interaction between a student and a female bartender.

paper CO_Íkalatxt252 - : pratiques traditionnelles, ce dernier demande tout simplement l’autorisation et la bénédiction de son hôte pour prendre congé de lui. Dans ce cas, on dirait en français standard : demander à partir ou à se retirer . De même, on emploie faire le côcô (du baoulé), là où le français standard dirait : demander la main.

paper CO_Íkalatxt291 - : International Standardization Organization (ISO). (2011). Terminological entries in standards, Part 1: General requirements and examples of presentation (ISO Standard N . ° 1024-1, p. 57). [ [56]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt283 - : L’arabe standard et l’algérien : une approche sociolinguistique et une analyse grammaticale

paper CO_Íkalatxt283 - : Standard Arabic and Algerian Languages: A sociolinguistic Approach and a Grammatical Analysis

paper CO_Íkalatxt283 - : L’arabe standard a subi des distorsions avec le temps dans tous les pays arabes, mais les évolutions des langues dialectales sont différentes d’un pays à un autre en raison des facteurs contextuels de chaque pays et des interventions d’acteurs différents .

paper CO_Íkalatxt283 - : ^[44]Nicolaï et Ploog (2013, p. 202) font une comparaison intéressante entre le latin et les langues vulgaires comme suit : « Un tel éloignement du latin vulgaire de la norme écrite que l’on ne peut plus le décrire comme la variété d’une langue, mais comme plusieurs langues vulgaires indépendantes . C’est une comparaison qu’on peut faire entre l’arabe standard et les autres langues vernaculaires : l’algérien est fondé sur la langue arabe et sur l’étymologie de langues étrangères véhiculées par l’histoire de ce pays .

paper CO_Íkalatxt283 - : L’algérien conjugue des verbes d’origine française selon les règles grammaticales de l’arabe, par exemple, le verbe français (bouger) s’utilise en algérien suivant une conjugaison arabe ( هو بوجا... - ﺃنا بوجيت -ﺃنت بوجيت ) [j’ai bougé - tu as bougé - il a bougé…], de même pour les verbes suivants (voyager, fixer, retarder, dégoûter, se doucher, tracer, stresser, etc.). Ce sont des verbes qui existent en arabe standard quoique les algériens utilisent les verbes d’origine française fréquemment en les conjuguant en algérien et dont les règles proviennent de l’arabe, tout comme ces substantifs qui s’utilisent plus en français, alors que leurs équivalents en arabe existent : on utilise plus le mot « école » que « مدرسة », « pharmacie » que « صيدلية », « normal » que « عادي », « cartable » que « محفظة », « casse-croûte » que « شطيرة », « poteau » que « عمود », « retard » que « ﺘﺄخير »,

paper CO_Íkalatxt185 - : * Standard language ideology: This is the ingrained belief that there is only one correct form of English, which is established by sociopolitical powers ; thus, it is adopted and believed as true by many foreign-language professors.

paper PE_Lexistxt42 - : Por motivos de espacio, la sección se cierra con la certeza de que un análisis enfocado en las características de los predicados compatibles con cada cópula entraña consideraciones interesantes, pero resta interés a los contextos de libre alternancia. Queda asimismo en claro que la situación del español difiere del escenario standard, donde el adjetivo representa la única variable en la determinación del contorno aspectual del predicado en pares mínimos, y que esto supone tanto una ventaja para el análisis, como un caso de estudio de interés .

paper PE_Lexistxt42 - : Como se sabe, la definición standard o más consensuada de la telicidad corresponde a un evento que progresa hacia un punto final oculminación, mientras que el estado se define como clase aspectual por carecer tanto de punto final como de progresión (cf . Vendler 1979; Dowty 1991). A este respecto, es justo reconocer que el problema desaparece ni bien se abandona la concepción de las cópulas como generadoras de predicados necesariamente estativos. Y, como veremos a continuación, la variedad de construcciones generadas por ser y estar hace que la aplicación de parámetros específicos como telicidad en verdad suponga un escenario tan legítimo como excesivo: ciertamente, son muchas las construcciones copulativas articuladas por estar que exhiben propiedades ligadas a la telicidad, como indica tanto la literatura citada como las pruebas específicas que presentamos a continuación; no obstante, los datos también marcan la ocurrencia de estar en contextos no télicos. En vista de ello, asumiremos la

paper UY_ALFALtxt213 - : Na linha da linguística gerativa, que objetiva uma análise da capacidade de formação da gramática como tarefa de aprendizagem da língua nativa (^[79]Chomsky 1965), de forma mais flexível, o modelo BiPhon, assim como já ocorria na Teoria da Otimidade standard (^[80]Prince e Smolensky 1993), pressupõe que a gramática universal lida com um conjunto de restrições universais capazes de avaliar objetos linguísticos . Dessa forma, as restrições devem estar presentes nas gramáticas das línguas e devem ser simples e generalizáveis, e a descrição estrutural deve ser ótima (e não perfeita), no sentido de melhor satisfazer as restrições universais, a partir de um dado fenômeno.

paper UY_ALFALtxt82 - : [356][25] Duas ponderações são necessárias aqui. Primeiramente, o argumento da época da difusão do português em Angola ou Moçambique pode ser refutado se for revelado que a difusão do português para o interior dos países foi feita por falantes oriundos de regiões em que se falava um português já reestruturado. Vale transcrever, a esse respeito, a seguinte observação de Inverno: “European Portuguese (henceforth EP) both oral and written is the official standard of Angola, but it does not seem to be the standard variety of Portuguese that is spreading throughout the country” [357](Inverno 2011: 9 ).

paper VE_BoletindeLinguisticatxt96 - : The rhythmic metric variants are observed in diatopic, diastratic and diafasic levels. The productions tend to show controlled or compensated duration. The dialects present greater or smaller durational control or compensation. Control is reflected in smaller segmental reductions, moderate coarticulations and without elisions. Compensation presents a greater segmental reduction, relevant coarticulations and elisions. The higher sociolects would be more controlled than the lower ones. Formality would be more controlled than spontaneity. The segments are vocalic and consonantal intervals. Three rhythmic metrics are calculated to observe these tendencies: the proportionality of vocalic intervals and two normalized standard deviations: that of vocalic and consonantal intervals . Peninsular academic discourses are analyzed. It is compared with the Amper corpus. The results shows more controlled duration in the academic discourses and compensated duration in the Amper materials.

paper VE_Letrastxt167 - : This paper describes the violations of the standard of learned written Spanish language that, after copy editing, have been found in 11 of the 12 special degree works with publication awards of the graduate program in Reading and Writing Promotion at the Universidad de Los Andes, Táchira (Venezuela). Our revision was supported on the current standards: the Ortografía de la lengua española (2010 ). The results show that these special works contain recurrent errors, especially related to the use of capitalization, comas and periods. Therefore, it is convenient that this graduate program consider the participation of textual correction specialists in order for them to verify the unification of academic writing criteria before the publication of these works in institutional repositories.

paper corpusLogostxt27 - : The following short definition can be given, based on the pragmatic (^[42]Walton, 1995) theory of fallacy: a fallacy is an argument, a pattern of argumentation or something that purport to be an argument that falls short of some standard of correctness as used in a conversational context but that, for various reasons, has a semblance of correctness about it in context and poses a serious obstacle to the realization of the goal of the dialogue (Walton, 2013: 215 ).

paper corpusLogostxt115 - : In 2013, the Chilean Ministry of Education launched the “Estándares Orientadores para Carreras de Pedagogía en Inglés1” (Ministerio de Educación, Chile, 2014), a document which contains the ten disciplinary standards and the ten pedagogical standards to be met by all newly-trained primary and secondary school teachers in the Chilean system by the time they have completed their undergraduate studies. In this set of standards, disciplinary standard N°1 refers to the teacher’s mastery of English: “[The teacher] understands the constituent elements of the English language and how they work, and applies this knowledge in order to develop his/her students’ communicative skills in English .” A finer breakdown of this standard makes general reference to pronunciation: “[The teacher] makes use of phonetic and phonological elements which allow him/her to clearly articulate his/her oral discourse, which manifest themselves through the use of contrastive sounds of the English language, its intonation,

paper corpusSignostxt118 - : "El teatro del absurdo encara valientemente el hecho de que aquellos para los que el mundo ha perdido su explicación y significado central ya no les es posible aceptar por más tiempo las formas artísticas basadas en la continuidad de standard y conceptos sin validez; esto es, la posibilidad de conocer las leyes de la conducta y los valores esenciales, como formas deducibles de unos sólidos cimientos de certeza revelada, sobre el fin del hombre en el universo"^[33]9

paper corpusSignostxt364 - : There is as such no international standard for the production of a CSR Report, nor is its adoption mandatory across the board, although several international organizations have attempted to implement a possible template. The UNCTAD released two documents on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR): the Guidance on Good Practices in Corporate Governance Disclosure (2006 ), and Guidance on Corporate Responsibility Indicators in Annual Reports (2008). The aim of the first one was to achieve ‘better corporate transparency and accountability in order to facilitate investment flows and mobilize financial resources for economic development’. The second one emphasizes the importance of corporate transparency in facilitating ‘investment decisions, and more broadly, allows governments and other stakeholders to assess an enterprise’s contribution to social and economic development’. Another popular standard is the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010) produced by the

paper corpusSignostxt282 - : The following standard tests were used in the data collection phase:

paper corpusSignostxt406 - : Van den Broek et al. (2002) use the term ‘standards of coherence’ to designate a kind of metacognitive knowledge/activity involved in reading comprehension. ‘Standards of coherence’ refers to a readers’ idea of what good comprehension is (a kind of declarative knowledge) and what it necessitates (a kind of procedural and perhaps also conditional knowledge) for a specific reading task. For example, a reader holding a low standard of coherence for a specific reading task may think that good comprehension involves understanding a few keywords in a document’s title .

paper corpusSignostxt91 - : Freud, S. (1921) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego XVIII Standard Edition 1955 London: Hogarth Press . [ [30]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato standard:

2) deviations: 7
5) teacher: 6
6) teachers: 6
9) langues: 5
10) arabe: 5
11) français: 4
14) corporate: 4
15) verbes: 4
17) naturalistic: 4
18) arabe: 4
19) reading: 4 (*)
20) interactions: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 504
Docs: 238
Nombre propio: 5 / 504 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 486
Puntaje: 2.687 = (2 + (1+5.85798099512757) / (1+8.98013957763916)));
Rechazado: muy disperso; muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 1. ANSI. (1979). The American National Standard Institute. Nueva York: ANSI Publication.
: 26. Salami, A. (1968). Defining a standard Nigerian English. Journal of the Nigerian English Studies Association (2)1, 99-106.
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: Al-Banyan, Ahmed y Preston, Dennis (1998) “What is Standard American English?”. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. 33. 29-46.
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: Banjo, A. (1971). Towards a definition of standard Nigerian spoken English. Actes du 8e congress de la Societe Linguistique de l’Afrique Occidental. Annales de Universite d’Abidjan, (pp. 165-175). Centre for Research and Action Peace (CERAP).
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: roductions écrites a un standard, objet de description métalinguistique) et il n'y est donc pas associé d'outils de régulation des usages (dictionnaires, codification orthographique...)" (Kasbarian, 1997: 186-187).