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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) surprise (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: surprise

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt130 - : Secondly, some sections, such as grammar items GR K-O, were comprised of items that had the ability to distinguish between more and less proficient test-takers, but seemed excessively easy for the test-taker population (i.e., IF values of .75 and higher). This perhaps comes as no surprise: it could be predicted that prospective PhD students may have had more contact with English grammar through extensive academic reading undertaken during their undergraduate and MA-level coursework, and so they may have a more developed English language proficiency than the first year undergraduate students for whom this test was originally designed . Nonetheless, test sections such as these could be retained, especially as part of an easier warm-up section of the exam, to balance out newly created, more difficult items, that will give the reading subsection an overall mean of approximately .50.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt141 - : In terms of audio / video editing tools, 45% of the participants actively used Audacity ([35]http://www.audacity.sourceforge.net/?lang=en) audio editor and recorder in order to improve speaking skills, and 26% used Animoto ([36]http://www.animoto.com) video slide shows as a way to improve speaking and increase autonomy as well. Terantino (2011) claimed that the concept of utilizing videos in the foreign language classroom is not novel by any means. However, the opportunity for student-created videos and social networking provided by YouTube presents a radical new approach to providing linguistic input and encouraging students to engage in the target language. Therefore it is no surprise that in the category of instructional video, 73% of the participants agreed that using YouTube ([37]http://www .youtube.com) was very much a part of their English classes. Participants expressed that YouTube is used in a variety of ways from following instructions [listening] to signing Karaoke [speaking and

paper MX_ElAnuariodeLetrastxt21 - : En Croft (1991a, 1991b, 1993), se hace explícito que la configuración propuesta para los causativos de cambio físico se puede extender a los causativos emocionales. El autor establece que verbos como please o surprise en inglés y aburrir o enojar en español denotan una situación en la que “el estímulo causa que el experimentante entre en el estado mental” ^[78](Croft, 1993: 56), y que por lo tanto la estructura aspectual de estos verbos debe verse como constituida por los tres segmentos básicos de la cadena causal (CAUSE + BECOME + STATE) (^[79]Croft, 1991a: 215-218 ; ^[80]1993). En otras palabras, los causativos emocionales parecen responder a la definición de las ‘realizaciones’, tal como se sostiene en varios estudios (^[81]Di Tullio, 2004: 23; ^[82]Grimshaw, 1990: 26; ^[83]Levin y Rappaport Hovav, 1995: 107; ^[84]Tenny, 1994: 66). El segmento en que el sujeto estímulo efectúa su acción coincide con el tiempo que toma el proceso de desarrollo (CAUSE); la unidad BECOME focaliza el momen

paper UY_ALFALtxt138 - : El texto Voyage à Rio Grande do Sul (1887) del profesor francés de botánica, Auguste de Saint-Hilaire, fue estudiado por ^[64]Bertolotti (2010a). En el Voyage describe su recorrido entre 1820 y 1821 a través de los actuales territorios del sur de Brasil y de Uruguay. Saint-Hilaire utiliza diferentes recursos para explicar léxico nuevo como cerro, chiripá, charqueadores, alsado, aruêra, guampa e incluso pátria. Recurre a equivalentes principalmente cuando se trata de voces de las lenguas indígenas. Ejemplo de ello es el caso de pitanga: “j´ai reconnu avec quelque surprise la myrtée apelée pitanga” (^[65]apud Bertolotti 2010a: 271) o de araucaria: “Un fruit qu´on y vend beaucoup aussi dans ce moment est celui de l´araucaria, que l´on appelle pinhão, nom que l´on donne en Europe aux semences de pins pignons” (^[66]apud Bertolotti 2010a: 271 ).Presenta algunas extensas definiciones como en maturrango:

paper corpusSignostxt524 - : As the second unofficial national language in the United States (^[51]Alonso, 2007; ^[52]Macías 2014; ^[53]Brown & Thompson, 2018), it comes as no surprise that SSP has grown significantly over the last several decades, beginning with the publication of a Spanish-language journal dedicated to LSP in 1996, Revista Ibérica: “is a scientific journal … that accepts submissions related to topics within the field of language for specific purposes” . Soon thereafter ^[54]Fryer and Guntermann (1998) published a book-length treatment of SSP with AATSP entitled Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions. These publications along with the appearance of academic programs of study such as majors, minors, and certificates explicitly targeting students enrolled in Spanish for specific purposes courses all attest to the deep penetration of SSP in contemporary post-secondary curricula.

Evaluando al candidato surprise:

4) participants: 3
5) bertolotti: 3
7) http: 3
8) speaking: 3 (*)
9) croft: 3
10) youtube: 3
11) items: 3
12) causativos: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 44
Docs: 41
Nombre propio: / 44 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.869 = (2 + (1+4.64385618977472) / (1+5.49185309632967)));
Rechazado: mal tf-df: 107;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Dunning, T. (1994). Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence. Computational Linguistics, 19(1), 61-74.
: The lack of use of syntactic mitigation in the ND does not surprise us as previous studies have also noted a minimal use of internal mitigation in service encounter requests in Spain (Placencia & Marcera Rueda, 2011a; Placencia, 2005).
: [73]Colston, Herbert L. y Shauna B. [74]Keller. 1998. You’ll never believe this: Irony and hyperbole in expressing surprise, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 27(4): 499-513.