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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) transcription (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: transcription

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt217 - : Dresing, T., Pehl, T., & Schmieder, C. (2015). Manual (on) transcription: Transcription conventions, software guides and practical hints for qualitative researchers (3rd ed .). Marburg. Retrieved from [48]http://www.audiotranskription.de/english/transcriptionpracticalguide.htm [ [49]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt22 - : I chose to implement a discourse analytic method in order to identify the various voices in this classroom setting (Gutierrez et al., 1995). I transcribed the tapes including as much detail as I could in the transcription: interruptions, word or phrase emphasis, and actions that went along with the speaking . I first analyzed the participants' contributions in order to identify what voices they appropriated for themselves and those that seemed their own voices. I used this analysis to decide which voices were dominant during the discussion. I started with pronoun usage as markers of group affiliation. I continued with word choices as markers of a discourse being spoken. And I looked at the dialogic discourse; specifically, how each utterance was relative to the previous and following utterances. I then divided the data into categories: voice, intertextuality, and interdiscursivity. I then analyzed each excerpt again as it was a part of an entire dialogical action, which was the discussion

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt81 - : Through these voices the barrier of indifference was broken as Freire (1993) mentioned, students began to "acquire the object" and start the adventure to really know about the issues addressed. The next excerpt illustrates this aspect. It belongs to the transcription of the fourth session, based on the episode "Reading the People's Lives: the History of Racism in the USA" . Students answered the questions corresponding to the descriptive phase of the instructional design. They were asked what actions they remembered about the Ku Klux Klan and answered as follows:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt40 - : Transcription conventions:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt40 - : Transcription conventions:

paper CO_CuadernosdeLingüísticaHispánicatxt164 - : In order to analyze the dynamic of talk-in-interaction with its variations, a 20-minutes English class was video-recorded as a data gathering technique; from that video, almost 3 minutes were transcribed, and 5 extracts were analyzed, being these extracts, the instrument used for analyzing the data gathered through the transcription system adapted from ^[51]Van Lier (1988b) and ^[52]Johnson (1995):

paper CO_Lenguajetxt141 - : ^5Conventions de transcription : [ début du chevauchement entre deux locuteurs, ] fin du chevauchement, ++ pauses moyennes, +++ pauses longues, / et \ notent les montées et descentes intonatives, : notent des allongements syllabiques, les MAJUSCULES notent une emphase particulière sur une syllabe ou un mot, ou augmentation de l’intensité, les signes ° ° notent un volume bas de la voix, xxx notent un segment incompréhensible ou inaudible, - note auto-interruption, ((rire )) entre parenthèses doubles sont notés nos commentaires, ainsi que des phénomènes non transcrits (paraverbal ou non verbal), ( ) entre parenthèses sont notés les résumés des extraits que nous ne transcrivons pas.

paper CO_Íkalatxt303 - : Tuerlinckx’s art is based on a sustained and time-consuming engagement with simple things; for three decades, she has gathered found items or articles of daily use that crossed her path and methodically collected them in a comprehensive archive. These objects have inspired her to reflect on what it means to be a human being -they are, to use the artist’s term, elements of the real. Her work grows out of the observation, experimental application, and, as she calls it, transcription of these elements: a kind of (re )reading that seeks to strip them of their ostensible banality and comprehend and show them for what they truly are (Kunstmuseum Basel, 2017, párr. 2).

paper PE_Lexistxt16 - : "When manuscript is a clean fair copy (…) there is virtually nothing for an editor to decide about how to present a transcription (…) But since manuscripts frequently do show signs of alteration, often very complicated ones, editors commonly must consider how best to make clear the complexities of a documentary text" (Vander y Tanselle 1999: 2 ). Dicha afirmación es, de nuevo, pertinente para el presente estudio, ya que Otoño y los de arriba debe ser necesariamente transcrita a partir de la observación de los cambios que la misma Pizarnik hizo, de las diferentes versiones que hay de un mismo párrafo y demás cambios que no permiten una transcripción pasiva.

paper corpusLogostxt89 - : Transcription of Audio Recordings in Spanish Police and Legal Settings: Suggested Criteria

paper corpusSignostxt414 - : With this in mind, the following section attempts to confirm this rationale by analysing the learners’ strategic communication through those CSs more employed by each level. For this, the number (frequency) of times each CS was more used by each level within each category will be considered in relation to the total number of times that mechanism was used by the three levels. The CSs exemplified in each subsection have been underlined. Some of the conventions used in the transcription of the data are the following: ↑ indicates rising intonation, { } show the researcher’s comment, (word ) word in parenthesis indicates that the word was not clearly heard, [ ] indicate overlapping speech.

paper corpusSignostxt451 - : As an example, consider the word 'jungle' ENT[ˈdʒʌŋɡlENT]. We suggest that two types of transcription should be stored in the phonetic database: the correct transcription and the transcription including possible erroneous sounds annotated with their probabilities ; see [66]Table 2. In case the word pronounced by the learner differs significantly from the correct version based on a pre-defined threshold, the error detection model will take into account error pattern probabilities in order to identify the concrete error.

Evaluando al candidato transcription:

3) notent: 5
4) voices: 4
6) conventions: 4 (*)
8) analyzed: 3
10) identify: 3
11) discourse: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 190
Docs: 109
Nombre propio: 3 / 190 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.644 = (2 + (1+4.52356195605701) / (1+7.57742882803575)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 6. Edwards, Jane. 1993. Survey of electronic corpora and related resources for language researchers. En Jane Edwards y Martin Lampert (eds.), Talking data. Transcription and coding in discourse anscription research , 263-309. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
: Armstrong, M. (2010). Puerto Rican Spanish Intonation. En P. Prieto & P. Roseano (Eds.), Transcription of intonation of the Spanish language (pp. 155-190). Munich: Lincom Europa.
: Baldry, A. & Thibault, P. J. (2006). Multimodal transcription and text analysis. London: Equinox.
: Boston, I. (1998).IB Transcription Services. Recuperado de [45]http://www.ibtranscriptionservices.co.uk/transtimes.htm
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: De la Mota, C., Martín, P., y Prieto, P. 2010. Mexican Spanish intonation, Prieto y Roseano (eds.). Transcription of intonation of the Spanish Language. München: Lincom Europa, 319-350.
: Detey, S. (2007). Transcription, translittération et didactique de l’oral en FLE au Japon : katakana, rômaji et orthographe française. Revue japonaise de didactique du français, 2(1), 19-36. doi: 10.24495/rjdf.2.1_19.
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: Du bois, J. (1991). Transcription design principles for spoken discourse research. Pragmatics, 1, 71-106.
: Edwards, J. A. & Lampert, M. D. (Eds.). 1993. Talking Data: Transcription and Coding in Discourse Research. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
: Estebas Vilaplana, E. y P. Prieto (2010), “Castilian Spanish Intonation”, en P. Prieto y P. Roseano (eds.), Transcription of intonation of the Spanish Language, Múnich, Lincom Europa, pp. 17-48.
: Fraser, H. (2003). Issues in Transcription: Factors affecting the reliability of transcripts as evidence in legal cases.The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 10(2), 203-226.
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: Gabriel, C., Feldhausen, I., Pešková, A., Colantoni, L., Lee, S., Arana, V., & Labastía, L. (2010). Argentinian spanish intonation. En P. Prieto & P. Roseano (Eds.), Transcription of intonation of the Spanish language. (pp. 285-318). München: Lincom Europa.
: Gumperz, J., & Berenz, N. (1993). Transcribing conversational exchanges. In J. Edwards & M. Lumpert (Eds.), Transcription and Coding Methods for Language Research (pp. 109-144). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associtates Inc.
: Heselwood, B. (2013).Phonetic transcription in theory and practice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
: Jefferson, G. (1984). Transcription notation. En J.M. Atkinson y J. Heritage (Eds.), Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp.9-16). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
: Jun, S. A. (2005). Korean intonational phonology and prosodic transcription. In S. A. Jun (Ed.), Prosodic typology: The phonology of intonation and phrasing (pp. 201-229). New York: Oxford University Press.
: Lampert, M. D. & Ervin-Trip, S. M. (1993). Structured coding for the study of language and social interaction. En J. A. Edwards & M. D. Lampert (Eds), Talking data: Transcription and coding in discourse research (pp. 169-206). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
: Leech, G.; Myers, G. & Thomas, J. (Eds.). (1995). Spoken English on Computer: Transcription, Markup and Applications. Harlow: Longman.
: MacWhinney, B. (2000). The CHILDES Project: Tools for analyzing talk. Transcription format and programs (Vol. 1). Psychology Press.
: Mennim, P. (2012). Learner negotiation of L2 form in transcription exercises. ELT Journal, 66(1), 52-61.
: Mertens, P 2004. "The Prosogram: Semi-Automatic Transcription of Prosody based on a Tonal Perception Model". In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2004 (pp. 549-552). Consultado el 24 de junio de 2007 en[140] http://bach.arts.kuleuven.be/pmertens/papers/sp2004.pdf
: Mondada, L. (2016). Conventions for multimodal transcription [documento PDF]. Recuperado de [92]https://franzoesistik.philhist.unibas.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/franzoesistik/mondada_ multimodal_conventions.pdf
: Morgan, G. (2005). Transcription of child sign language: A focus on narrative. Sign Language and Linguistics, 8(1-2), 119-130.
: Mota, C. de la, Martín Butragueño, P. y Prieto, P. (2010). Mexican Spanish Intonation. En P. Prieto y P. Roseano (eds.), Transcription of intonation of the Spanish Language (pp. 319-350). Múnich: Lincom Europa.
: Müller, N. (Ed.) (2006). Multilayered transcription. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
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: Ortiz, H., Fuentes, M., & Astruc, L. (2010). Chilean Spanish Intonation. In Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish Language. München: Lincom.
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: O’Connell, D., & Kowal, S. (1994). Some current transcription systems for spoken discourse: A critical analysis.Pragmatics, 4(1), 81-107. doi: 10.1075/prag.4.1.04con
: Pineda, L., Castellanos, H., Cuétara, J., Galescu, L., Juárez, J., Llisterri, L., Pérez, P. & Villaseñor, L. (2010). The Corpus DIMEx100: Transcription and evaluation.Language Resources and Evaluation, 44(4), 347-370.
: Piolat (2001) relève quatre grands types de méthodes de transcription des idées:
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: Sichel-Bazin, Raféu, Trudel Meisenburg and Pilar Prieto. 2015. Intonational pho nology of Occitan: Towards a prosodic transcription system. In Sónia Frota and Pilar Prieto (eds.), Intonational variation in Romance, 198-234. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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: Willis, E. (2010). Dominican Spanish Intonation. En P. Prieto & P. Roseano (Eds.), Transcription of intonation of the Spanish language (pp. 123-154). München: Lincom Europa.