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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) translating (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: translating

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt190 - : TRANSLATING: Writing translation of ideas means that ideas are converted into words, into sentences, into paragraphs and text . Mental translation of ideas into a linguistic form means selecting syntactic forms, words, and spelling.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt88 - : The verbal strategies of code-switching, and translating were second and third in occurrence. They characterize the resourcefulness of these low-proficiency students, who were aware of their limitations in English, time restraints, and task complexity of the CL activities. Code-switching, translating or other similar strategies were used by students to keep their speech fluent and assure the interlocutor's understanding of their messages. EFL students use these strategies very frequently when they have not been exposed consistently to any communicative language teaching method. However, it is clear that the excessive use of translation and code-switching keeps students from developing necessary thinking skills to become fluent speakers in English, including skills such as deducing, inferring, or making analogies and hypotheses. Translating, in particular, facilitates understanding but hinders or slows down the development of oral production skills . Nevertheless, it is worthwhile mentioning

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt52 - : life in succeeding generations'. Translation transcends itself and "ultimately serves the purpose of expressing the central reciprocal relationship between languages" (ibid: 17). Benjamin considers that languages are related to each other "in what they want to express" (ibid). Thus, when an original is translated, in its afterlife, in its translation, there is some transformation, "the renewal of something living-the original undergoes a change" (ibid). An intention underlines each language, and the totality of intentions supplementing each other is what Benjamin calls 'pure language'. So, translation plays the role of supplementing different languages in search of their intentions, of attaining that pure language. Thus, "the task of the translator consists in finding that intended effect upon the language into which he is translating which produces in it an echo of the original" (ibid: 20 ). And Benjamin advocates literalness in these terms:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt65 - : Along with the increasing attention paid to the translator in recent years, greater attention has also been paid to the discussion of the importance of studying translation as an intellectual endeavor and a legitimate practice of textual production —i.e., a form of writing. Douglas Robinson (2001) discusses the peculiarities of translation as a form of writing by comparing authors and translators in light of the writing practice that they each perform. He suggests that translation is a form of writing which —like most writing— has rules, limits, and possibilities, and frames the question of the translating subject underscoring the ideology underlying it by asking:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt65 - : The work of a self-aware translator will be informed and regulated by such type of questions and reflections. Venuti recognizes that, although he calls this community- formation projection "utopian," it is not really so, for it is not inconsistent with the social realities and circumstances that surround translating: "The inscription can never be so comprehensive" or total in relation to domestic constituencies to be able to create a community of interest without hierarchy ; "the asymmetry between the foreign and domestic cultures persists even when the foreign context is partly inscribed in the translation." ("Translation, Community, Utopia", p. 485).

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt20 - : Translating: A Political Act

paper CO_Íkalatxt303 - : Translating Textual Elements in Contemporary Artworks: Trends, Challenges, Proposals

paper CO_Íkalatxt45 - : Method: The starting point is to present to the learners simple though specialised texts to be translated into both languages. In doing so, students realise how important it is to acquire a translation strategy, which can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to both languages. Since the texts are goal-oriented, the prime aim of translating is getting the message across: content analysis necessitates extensive use of documentary research in order to master the terminology used .

paper CO_Íkalatxt18 - : This article is a reflection on an interview with Colombian translator and writer Pablo Montoya Campuzano. Montoya was asked about his training as a translator, his translation strategies and his relationship with both writing and translation. In the reflection on Montoya's views, André Lefevere's theories were considered, particularly his conception of translation as a form of rewriting. According to Lefevere, in any form in which a literary text is rewritten—whether by choosing it for translation, translating it, or editing it–, there are two types of manipulation at play: ideological and formal manipulation . In light of these two concepts, Pablo Montoya's views are analyzed, taking into account his conception of translation as a writing exercise.

paper CO_Íkalatxt66 - : Otras metáforas, sin embargo, sí pueden provocar dificultades a los lectores noveles, porque se realizan a través de distintas proyecciones en las diferentes lenguas y culturas. Al-Hasnawi, en su artículo ''A cognitive approach to translating metaphors''(2007), explica que la posibilidad de traducción de una metáfora depende de: 1 ) la experiencia cultural particular y las asociaciones semánticas explotadas por ella, y 2) la medida en que las metáforas pueden o no ser reproducidas en la lengua meta, dependiendo del grado de superposición de los dominios en cada caso particular. O sea que la dificultad inherente en la traducción de una metáfora no es la ausencia de un ítem léxico equivalente en la lengua meta, sino, más bien, la diferencia de conceptualización de objetos o mundos, incluso idénticos en ambas comunidades cuyos idiomas están involucrados en la traducción.

paper CO_Íkalatxt33 - : Modeled after Fagunwa's books, Ogundele's work is full of names that typify the character's mission. Morality sermonizes through the names and their characters. Translating the names will therefore be necessary:

paper CO_Íkalatxt169 - : In [33]examples 1 and [34]9, the translators opt for replacing two different pastries, waffles and croissants, with the same Spanish pastry, churros. In [35]example 1, Donkey who wants to bond with Shrek proposes to make waffles, an emblematic American breakfast, which is prepared on special occasions. There the translator opts for the domestication of the original cultural reference by using the typical Spanish snack churros, which is often eaten with hot chocolate after a big night out. With this translation, the translator complies with Orel's (2013) quote about translating food: ''you have to really understand both cultures . Not just the words, not just the ingredients or the dishes out of context, but you have to understand it on a much broader perspective'' (Rick Bayless, quoted in Orel, 2013). Although no comprehension problems would be found in the case of a literal translation, the translator opts to transfer the connotations attached to having waffles and churros in both cultures

paper MX_ElAnuariodeLetrastxt2 - : Translating an Art in the Enlighted Spain: The Problem of the Technical Lexicon . Noël-Antoine Pluche Les Pelleteries et Apprêt de Cuir, Lexical Analysys of Esteban de Terreros y Pando Translation

paper PE_Lexistxt112 - : ^18Fortran (contracción del inglés The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System) es un lenguaje de programación desarrollado originalmente por IBM en los años cincuenta . Probablemente, Cortázar tuvo conocimiento de este lenguaje y se inspiró en él, pues ambos acrónimos ofrecen sorprendentes semejanzas: Formula Translating-Formulación transpuesta (agradecemos esta información a uno de los anónimos revisores de este trabajo).

paper VE_Núcleotxt43 - : Su tarea de catedrático de Poesía en Oxford, en 1857, coincide con su labor como crítico literario. Las obras más relevantes de este período son On Translating Homer (1861) y las dos series de Essays in Criticism (1865, 1888: véase Oxford Edition, 1914 ), que influirían en la crítica inglesa posterior; asume la crítica social en Culture and Anarchy (1869) y la crítica religiosa en St. Paul and Protestantism (1870; véase edición de 1883).

paper corpusSignostxt530 - : * 10. Please list the techniques that you have learned when taking Community Translation and Interpretation to engage in translating endeavors more effectively:

Evaluando al candidato translating:

1) translation: 18 (*)
2) translator: 8 (*)
6) montoya: 4
8) ibid: 4
9) strategies: 4
13) waffles: 3
14) ideas: 3
16) benjamin: 3
17) code-switching: 3
18) crítica: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 202
Docs: 91
Nombre propio: 7 / 202 = 3%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.780 = (2 + (1+5.75488750216347) / (1+7.66533591718518)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 1. Al-Hasnawi, A. R. (2007). A cognitive approach to translating metaphors. Translation Journal, 11, 3. Recuperado el 6 de octubre de 2008, de [30]http://accurapid.com/journal/41metaphor.htm
: 1. D’Amore, A. M. (2009). Translating contemporary Mexican texts: Fidelity to alterity. Nueva York: Peter Lang.
: 10. Arnold, M. (1914). Essays; including Essays in criticism, 1865, On translating Homer (with F. W. Newman’s reply) and five other essays now for the first time collected. Londres: Oxford University Press.
: 10. Hoque, M. (2008). An empirical framework for translating of phrasal verbs of English sentence into Bangla. CUET Journal, 2(8), 43-49.
: 15. Nord, C. (1997). Translating as a purposeful activity. Functionalist approaches explained. Manchester: St. Jerome.
: 23. Mazi-Leskovar, D. (2003). Domestication and Foreignization in Translating American Prosefor Slovenian Children. Meta, 48(1-2 May), 250-265.
: 24. Howard, R.(2005). Translating Hibridity: A Case from the Peruvian Andes. En Hart S. y Rowe W. (Eds.), Studies in Latin American Literature and Culture in Honour of James Higgins. Special Issue of Bulletin of Hipanic Studies, 15, 159-172. Liverpool: University Press.
: 24. Lefevere, A. (1992). Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
: 27. Gibson, M. y Hufeisen, B. (2003). Investigating the role of prior foreign language knowledge: Translating from an unknown into a known foreign language. En J. Cenoz, B. Hufeisen y U. Jessner (coords.), The multilingual lexicon (pp. 87-102). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
: 29. Nida, E. (1964). Towards a Science of Translating. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
: 5. Katan, D. (2004). Translating cultures. An introduction for translators, interpreters and mediators. Manchester, Inglaterra: St. Jerome Publishing
: 6. Bell, Rogert (1991). Translation and Translating. London: Longman.
: 6. Byrne, J. (2006). Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
: 6. Federici, F. (Ed). (2011). Translating dialects and languages of minorities. Challenges and solutions. Nueva York, NY: Peter Lang.
: 6. Nord, C. (1997). Translating as a purposeful activity. Functionalist approaches explained. Manchester, St. Jerome.
: 7. Arnold, M. (1861). On translating Homer. Londres: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts.
: 9. Linder, D. (2002). Translating noun clusters and ‘nounspeak’ in specialized computer text. En J. Chabas, R. Gaser y J. Rey (coords.), Translating science (pp. 261-270). Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
: 9. Nord, C. (1997) Translating as a purposeful activity. Manchester, Inglaterra: St. Jerome Publishing.
: According to Piolat and Pélissier (1998) there are five main types of composing processes: Planning, Translating, Executing, Evaluating and Revising, a description of each process is provided below:
: Alasalmi, T. (2014). Problems of translating the laws of Rugby Union from English into Finnish (M. A. Thesis, inédita). University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla.
: Araujo, S, Correia, A., & Real, C. (2013). Translating Pronominal Causative Constructions: se faire vs. hacerse/fazer-se + Inf. Procedia, 95, 344-353. [222]https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.656
: Aston, Guy. (2009). Foreword. En Allison Beeby, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés y Pilar Sánchez-Gijón (Eds.). Corpus Use and Translating: Corpus Use for Learning to Translate and Learning Corpus Use to Translate. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, x.
: Barnes, R. (2011). Translating the sacred. In K. Malmkjaer & K. Windle (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of translation studies (pp. 37-54). Oxford University Press.
: Beeby, A., Rodríguez, P, Sánchez-Gijón, P. (Eds.). (2009). Corpus Use and Translating: Corpus use for learning to translate and learning corpus use to translate. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Bell, R. (1991). Translation and Translating. London, RU: Longman.
: Briggs, Ch. (2000). Emergence of the non-indigenous peoples: The warao narrative. En K. Sammons & J. Sherzer (Eds.), Translating native American verbal Art. Ethnopoetics and ethnography of speaking (pp.154-196). Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
: Cubí y Soler, M. (1826). El traductor español; or a new and practical system for translating the Spanish language. London: Boosey & Sons.
: Dorner, L. M., Orellana, M. F. & Li-Grining, C. P. (2007). ‘I helped my mom,’ and it helped me: Translating the skills of language brokers into improved standardized test scores. American Journal of Education, 113(3), 451-478.
: Harris, B. & Sherwood, B. (1978). Translating as an Innate Skill. In D. Gerver & H. W. Sinaiko (Eds.), Language Interpretation and Communication (pp. 155-170). New York, NY: Plenum.
: Hey, Valerie. «The politics of performative resignification: translating Judith Butler’s theoretical discourse and its potential for a sociology of education.». British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 4, no. 27, 2006, pp. 439-457.
: How to reference this book review: Pulido, M. (2013). Book review: Translating dialects and languages of minorities. Challenges and solutions. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 18(1), 97-100.
: Katan, D. (1999). Translating cultures. An introduction for translators, interpreters and mediators. St. Jerome.
: LEMKE, J. L. (1985). Translating Poetry: Seven Strategies and a Blueprint. Assen: Van Gorcum.
: LEVINE, S. J. (1991). The Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction. Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf Press.
: La mayor parte de las definiciones de cultura las hemos tomado de Translating as a Purposeful Activity (Nord, 1997). En primer lugar, encontramos muy interesante la definición de Goodenough:
: Meyer-Clason in his German translation Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit and Butirina and Stolbov in their Russian translation Столетодиночества prefer to use a domesticating strategy, by translating the term Carnicero into German (Fleischer) and Russian (Мясник), respectively:
: NIDA, E. (1964). Toward a Science of Translating, with Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translating. Holland: E. J. Brill.
: Nord, C. (1997). Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing.
: Oittinen, R. (2000). Translating for children. New York: Garland Publishing.
: Orellana, M. F., Reynolds, J., Dorner, L. & Meza, M. (2003). In other words: Translating or “para‐phrasing” as a family literacy practice in immigrant households. Reading Research Quarterly, 38(1), 12-34.
: Pereira, N. M. (2008). Book illustration as (intersemiotic) translation: Pictures translating words. Meta, 53(1), 104-119. [90]https://doi.org/10.7202/017977ar
: Pérez-González, L. & Susam-Saraeva, S. (2012). Non-professionals translating and interpreting: Participatory and engaged perspectives. The Translator, 18(2), 149-165.
: Rabassa, G. (1991). Words Cannot Express ...The Translation of Cultures. In W. Luis & J. Rodríguez-Luis (Eds.), Translating Latin America. Culture as Text. (pp. 35-44).New York: State University of New York at Binghamton.
: Trosborg, A. (1997). Translating hybrid political texts. En A. Trosborg (Ed.), Text typology and tanslation (pp. 145-158). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
: Van Coillie, J. (2008). The translator's new clothes translating the dual audience in Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes". Meta: Translators' Journal, 53, 549-568.